Key Data Set Information
Reference year
Wooden sugar ; Corn cob ; Hydrolysis, neutralization, separation, concentration, crystallization, centrifugation, drying ; All sizes; NESPS2
Use advice for data set
| This dataset is derived from the Pollution Source Census Report and contains information on pollution emissions and related products. However, it does not include data on energy or chemical consumption, nor does it provide information on waste or co-product generation. When utilizing this dataset, please supplement the missing data based on actual conditions before use |
Technical purpose of product or process
| 所述工艺是一种用于从木质材料(如玉米芯)生产木糖的生物技术序列。它涉及一系列步骤,包括水解、中和、离子交换分离、浓缩、结晶、离心和干燥。这种木糖生产方法适用于各种规模。最终产品木糖是食品添加剂、药品和生物燃料生产等行业的关键成分。 |
Class name
Hierarchy level
| the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution chemical oxygen demandisPhysicochemical method + anaerobic/aerobic combined method,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management83 |
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
| |
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system
| the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution chemical oxygen demandisPhysicochemical method + anaerobic/aerobic combined method,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management83 |