Key Data Set Information
Geographical representativeness description
Sichuan Basin in Northwest Sichuan
Reference year
Exploration potential analysis ; Marine source rock ; Organic geochemical analysis
Use advice for data set
| Users of this data set should consider the regional geological context when interpreting the organic geochemical analyses. The data is specifically applicable to the northwestern Sichuan region, and should not be extrapolated to other areas without further geospatial analysis. Users should account for the methodological approach used in the data collection, including the selection of outcrop sections and the techniques applied for determining organic matter characteristics. It is essential that users integrate this data with geological and geophysical data to derive robust conclusions on natural gas potential. |
Technical purpose of product or process
| The geochemical analysis data set from the marine source rocks in northwestern Sichuan is intended for use by geological and geochemical researchers as well as the energy industry to evaluate the natural gas exploration potential. It includes assessments of organic matter abundance, type, and maturity within different geological formations, which can be used to identify areas with higher quality source rocks characterized by large thickness and wide distribution, and therefore indicate promising regions for future natural gas exploration and extraction activities. |
Class name
Hierarchy level
| Eight outcrop sections are selected to systematically analyze the organic geochemistry of 8 sets of marine source rocks in northwestern Sichuan, including Doushantuo Formation of Lower Sinian, Dengsan Formation of Upper Sinian, Qiongzhusi Formation of Lower Cambrian, Longmaxi Formation of Lower Silurian, Middle Devonian, Maokou Formation of Middle Permian, Longtan Formation/Wujiaping Formation of Upper Permian and Dalong Formation, and discuss the natural gas exploration potential in this area. |
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
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Time representativeness
Time representativeness description
| Since the 1940s, natural gas exploration in northwest Sichuan has continued |
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system
| Based on the analysis data of the thickness and organic carbon of the source rocks, the total gas generation intensity of 8 sets of source rocks in Northwest Sichuan is evaluated |
Flow diagram(s) or picture(s)
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