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Process Data set: Aluminum electrolysis carbon anode production ; carbon anode ; petroleum coke (en) en zh

Key Data Set Information
Location CN
Aluminum electrolysis carbon anode production ; carbon anode ; petroleum coke
Use advice for data set Users of this data set should consider the specific energy consumption and emissions associated with the production of carbon anodes using petroleum coke. It is critical to include these factors when assessing the environmental impact of the aluminum production process. Additionally, users should take into account the potential for recycling used anodes as part of the life cycle assessment, which can significantly reduce the overall environmental footprint.
Technical purpose of product or process The carbon anodes produced in this process are utilized in aluminum electrolysis. This involves the electrolytic reduction of alumina to produce aluminum metal. The carbon anodes, made using petroleum coke, are essential components in the Hall-Héroult process, which is the major industrial process for smelting aluminum.
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Unit processes / Materials production / Non-energetic raw materials
General comment on data set The carbon anodes produced in this process are utilized in aluminum electrolysis. This involves the electrolytic reduction of alumina to produce aluminum metal. The carbon anodes, made using petroleum coke, are essential components in the Hall-Héroult process, which is the major industrial process for smelting aluminum.
Copyright No
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Technological representativeness
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, single operation
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations None
Deviation from modelling constants / explanations None
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations None
Data source(s) used for this data set
Completeness of product model No statement
Type of review
Dependent internal review
Reviewer name and institution
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2024-01-10T09:04:38+08:00
Publication and ownership
UUID bf75eab6-797e-44ee-a259-e96ef548fa00
Date of last revision 2024-04-20T15:31:35.412846+08:00
Data set version 00.01.005
Permanent data set URI
Owner of data set
Copyright No
License type Free of charge for all users and uses


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity 699.53814 MJ699.53814 MJ
Product flow
Materials production / Other materials 70.0 kg70.0 kg
General comment metallurgical coke
79.3 79.3
General comment natural gas
13335.2 13335.2
General comment water
Product flow
Materials production / Other mineralic materials 171.0 kg171.0 kg
General comment asphalt
Product flow Emissions / Particles 262.2 kg262.2 kg


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.27 kg0.27 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 272.8705 kg272.8705 kg
91.6543 91.6543
9.9853 9.9853
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.43865 kg2.43865 kg
Product flow
Materials production / Metals and semimetals 1000.0 kg1000.0 kg
General comment anode
Product flow
Materials production / Metals and semimetals 480.0 kg480.0 kg
General comment Carbon anode
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.00175885 kg0.00175885 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.0173539 kg0.0173539 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.0209617 kg0.0209617 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.005312750000000001 kg0.005312750000000001 kg