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过程 数据集: 汽车| 中国环境扩展投入产出(CEEIO)数据库 | 2018 (zh) en zh

位置 CN
地域代表性说明 中国
参考年 2018
汽车| 中国环境扩展投入产出(CEEIO)数据库 | 2018
数据集使用建议 在使用2018年中国环境扩展投入产出(CEEIO)数据集时,用户需注意几项关键的单位调整和数据范围。经济值单位已由“10,000人民币”更改为“1人民币”,并根据ILCD的标准化单位需求,根据人民币:欧元=7.5:1的汇率,将数值归一化为”欧元EUR“单位,而质量单位则从“吨”调整为“千克”。该数据集覆盖了44种环境压力类型中的28种,因此在使用时需注意哪些环境类别被包含及可能的遗漏。为了更好地理解和应用这些数据,建议用户细致阅读随数据集的数据来源文件,了解其编制方法和假设。此外,建议将这些数据以系统化的方式融入更广泛的环境分析或决策过程,以确保分析的准确性和一致性。
产品或过程的技术目的 CEEIO 模型是在中国环境问题上进行了广泛研究的结果,主要用于中国境内商品和服务的生命周期评估。CEEIO 模型的数据可用于量化生产一人民币汽车价值在各种环境压力方面的环境影响。它为企业和政策制定者提供关于制造过程中涉及的生态足迹的信息,帮助做出旨在最小化环境伤害的决策。汽车公司可以使用这些数据来提高其制造过程的可持续性,通过识别和解决他们供应链内的主要环境热点。
类名 : 层次结构级别
  • ILCD: CEEIO / 2018 Chinese Environmentally Extended Input-Output (CEEIO) Database
关于数据集的一般性意见 CEEIO 是清华大学徐明教授与广东工业大学梁赛教授和南昌大学田曦教授合作,利用环境扩展投入产出模型研究中国环境问题的近十年研究成果。CEEIO 由中国政府统计机构发布的基准经济投入产出表和从多个来源编制的环境卫星账户组成。CEEIO 的开发得到了清华大学 Kenneth G. Lieberthal 和 Richard H. Rogel 中国研究中心的部分支持。
功能单元 产出10000元的汽车
技术说明,包括后台系统 根据现有数据,CEEIO数据集考虑了中国各个部门和家庭产生的四大类中44种环境压力: (1) 淡水消耗;(2) 23 种大气污染物,包括二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)、一氧化二氮(N2O)、氮氧化物(NOx)、粉尘和烟尘、二氧化硫(SO2)、有害微量元素(HTEs,包括汞、砷、硒、铅、镉、铬、镍、锑、锰、钴、铜和锌)、空气动力学直径为 2. 5毫米或以下的颗粒物(PM2.5)、空气动力直径为10毫米或以下的颗粒物(PM10)、一氧化碳(CO)、挥发性有机化合物(VOC)、氨(NH3); (3) 13 种水污染物,包括化学需氧量、氨氮化合物、磷、石油污染物、挥发性酚、氰化物、水生汞、水生镉、水生铬、水生铅、水生砷、水生铜和水生锌;以及 (4) 7 种固体废物,包括工业固体废物、塑料薄膜、农作物秸秆、动物粪便、污泥、医疗废物和生活垃圾。根据现有数据,2018 年 CEEIO 数据库涵盖了这 44 种环境压力中的 28 种:(1) 各行业燃料燃烧量;(2) 工业产品产量;(3) 农作物产量;(4) 牲畜和家禽数量;(5) 农业、工业和生活淡水消耗量;(6) 塑料薄膜使用量。
数据集的类型 LCI result
数据选择和组合原则 排放数据覆盖范围:2018年中国环境投入产出扩展(CEEIO)数据库包括26种燃料燃烧产生的排放,以及各种工业生产过程中产生的二氧化碳、甲烷和氮氧化物等19种大气污染物的排放。 工业过程包括:包括原油、植物油、纸张和几种化学品在内的多种产品的生产过程中产生的排放。 历史排放量调整:对于最后可用数据来自 2015 年的污染物,2018 年的估算是通过应用特定行业的价格指数,并根据国家权威来源的综合排放量数据进行调整得出的。
偏离数据选择和组合原则/解释 None
数据处理和外推原则 历史排放量调整:对于最后可用数据来自 2015 年的污染物,2017 年的估算是通过应用特定行业的价格指数,并根据国家权威来源的综合排放量数据进行调整得出的。 淡水消耗量估算:各行业的淡水使用量是通过将该行业的产出与其供水比例联系起来得出的,并将总量与报告的国家消耗量数字保持一致。 固体废物和排放估算方法:通过将相关服务部门的产出与其废物强度相关联,并辅以家庭废物预测的人口数据,得出污泥和医疗废物的预测结果。 农业废弃物计算:塑料薄膜、农作物秸秆和牲畜粪便废弃物的量化涉及将使用率和废弃物产生指标应用于农业产量和牲畜数量。 部门分类统一:部门分类的转换确保了不同标准之间的数据兼容性,二进制矩阵说明了当前数据库和以前数据库中部门之间的关系。 单位:货币单位由 "10000 元 "调整为 "1 元",重量单位由 "吨 "调整为 "公斤"。
产品模型的完整性 No statement
Dependent internal review
时间戳(上次保存) 2021-08-31T00:00:00+08:00
UUID 72bde5f8-0bb8-49a2-8ff1-f99c325bf650
最后修订日期 2024-06-12T14:21:56.781497+08:00
数据集版本 00.01.005
许可证类型 Free of charge for all users and uses


流类型 分类 位置 平均量 计算量 最小量 最大量
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.8684612095425386E7 EUR1.8684612095425386E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.3590158768597536E7 EUR1.3590158768597536E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.381799890256479E8 EUR3.381799890256479E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1222997.7394739522 EUR1222997.7394739522 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.509271025586085E7 EUR4.509271025586085E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.476137674454829E8 EUR1.476137674454829E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.8944509360361844E7 EUR4.8944509360361844E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.586192776468381E8 EUR8.586192776468381E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 75920.63793925052 EUR75920.63793925052 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.2395358670803267E8 EUR3.2395358670803267E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0385852350642933E9 EUR1.0385852350642933E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.593602475711029E9 EUR3.593602475711029E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.5660534963157907E8 EUR1.5660534963157907E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.3348497437223293E8 EUR1.3348497437223293E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.456893690081725E9 EUR7.456893690081725E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2142140391812712E8 EUR1.2142140391812712E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.7684349577096615E7 EUR1.7684349577096615E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.015255441487283E7 EUR7.015255441487283E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.7796199331914365E8 EUR3.7796199331914365E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.685938710526766E8 EUR8.685938710526766E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.174173858806979E8 EUR1.174173858806979E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.30007087140704E9 EUR2.30007087140704E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.708895235940484E8 EUR1.708895235940484E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.066284366271584E8 EUR5.066284366271584E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.0289992576185006E8 EUR3.0289992576185006E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 571519.6425644391 EUR571519.6425644391 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2575743.507844516 EUR2575743.507844516 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.088957240123145E9 EUR7.088957240123145E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.9852904739738817E9 EUR3.9852904739738817E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5892788.335748732 EUR5892788.335748732 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1645953.1516447722 EUR1645953.1516447722 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.308864888610305E7 EUR4.308864888610305E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.333947502301329E9 EUR4.333947502301329E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3845156.0363569013 EUR3845156.0363569013 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.7724548265767094E7 EUR2.7724548265767094E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.459551394993924E8 EUR3.459551394993924E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1528119852205532E10 EUR1.1528119852205532E10 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.5300629387153015E8 EUR1.5300629387153015E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.5260306524720616E9 EUR3.5260306524720616E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.463283732598142E9 EUR5.463283732598142E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.0139532252211895E9 EUR7.0139532252211895E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.800084328916972E9 EUR7.800084328916972E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.406423839915566E8 EUR5.406423839915566E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9.83821680447035E8 EUR9.83821680447035E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.609040433312774E9 EUR6.609040433312774E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.141270683021659E9 EUR2.141270683021659E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.0091407487152494E7 EUR6.0091407487152494E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.79290978711569E9 EUR4.79290978711569E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.616786300993884E7 EUR4.616786300993884E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1155561691636186E9 EUR1.1155561691636186E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.6306888996212494E9 EUR1.6306888996212494E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.126602314954782E10 EUR4.126602314954782E10 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.6054096648504575E11 EUR1.6054096648504575E11 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9.48691181331918E7 EUR9.48691181331918E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.32233548262562E8 EUR4.32233548262562E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.3476219460065854E9 EUR1.3476219460065854E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.243900654096561E9 EUR1.243900654096561E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.618574630967629E8 EUR7.618574630967629E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.87730681614653E9 EUR7.87730681614653E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.5697838606980603E7 EUR2.5697838606980603E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.8249400782011588E9 EUR1.8249400782011588E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1297165162097643E8 EUR1.1297165162097643E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.9321624330220306E8 EUR1.9321624330220306E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.368285672723194E8 EUR7.368285672723194E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.274507965914527E8 EUR8.274507965914527E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.8789216339733574E9 EUR1.8789216339733574E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.3628022426942494E9 EUR1.3628022426942494E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.862064938247765E9 EUR2.862064938247765E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.8265528357955107E8 EUR1.8265528357955107E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.397600082754872E8 EUR1.397600082754872E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0131321995534081E9 EUR2.0131321995534081E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.199258922522252E7 EUR4.199258922522252E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.2882767155794136E7 EUR6.2882767155794136E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.062544707349594E7 EUR6.062544707349594E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.84074705703698E10 EUR1.84074705703698E10 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.008247422780172E10 EUR2.008247422780172E10 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.4280315381933412E8 EUR1.4280315381933412E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.239892574159728E8 EUR3.239892574159728E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.6070827050775126E7 EUR5.6070827050775126E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.097692307935362E9 EUR7.097692307935362E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2836558.7198911984 EUR2836558.7198911984 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.469048641063023E8 EUR6.469048641063023E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.492575221732455E8 EUR6.492575221732455E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.381165901085775E8 EUR7.381165901085775E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.190148577976225E7 EUR5.190148577976225E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.7117562903007784E9 EUR3.7117562903007784E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.3719372320575776E9 EUR3.3719372320575776E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.4155254714469266E9 EUR1.4155254714469266E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.482666392835159E8 EUR6.482666392835159E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.282918900461596E9 EUR1.282918900461596E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.8831264582765615E8 EUR1.8831264582765615E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1162138.7641473026 EUR1162138.7641473026 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0099236398005158E8 EUR2.0099236398005158E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.119944404110461E8 EUR8.119944404110461E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.003033550817221E9 EUR1.003033550817221E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.673995903722112E8 EUR1.673995903722112E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1577921383792241E8 EUR1.1577921383792241E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.853254325421838E7 EUR6.853254325421838E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.4772297081992212E8 EUR2.4772297081992212E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2076009412928282E10 EUR1.2076009412928282E10 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.8041922557219565E8 EUR3.8041922557219565E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.956316494370024E9 EUR4.956316494370024E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.4449509866788226E8 EUR2.4449509866788226E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.6286619918747826E7 EUR1.6286619918747826E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1296666494911587E7 EUR1.1296666494911587E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.4781508543684187E9 EUR2.4781508543684187E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.0405434127557024E7 EUR5.0405434127557024E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.6425572614694682E8 EUR2.6425572614694682E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.3878237214296639E7 EUR1.3878237214296639E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.6004743674983016E8 EUR2.6004743674983016E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.9868484105822265E7 EUR2.9868484105822265E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.485965902797443E8 EUR5.485965902797443E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.347760657123055E7 EUR7.347760657123055E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.309157779953403E7 EUR4.309157779953403E7 EUR


流类型 分类 位置 平均量 计算量 最小量 最大量
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.145463149171967E11 EUR5.145463149171967E11 EUR
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4.907297712489907E9 kg4.907297712489907E9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 232866.2177676343 kg232866.2177676343 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 41088.81806024394 kg41088.81806024394 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.482984138878745E7 kg1.482984138878745E7 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 40.956037791286576 kg40.956037791286576 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 218.9462910222798 kg218.9462910222798 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 215.0776486581928 kg215.0776486581928 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1144.973040539046 kg1144.973040539046 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 22.41556636086683 kg22.41556636086683 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 983.2513706457987 kg983.2513706457987 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 236.6957513253405 kg236.6957513253405 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 53.830230205893734 kg53.830230205893734 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1122.343227671233 kg1122.343227671233 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 140.3293904997688 kg140.3293904997688 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 498.78358542256865 kg498.78358542256865 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1057.024659500388 kg1057.024659500388 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 613449.5386405105 kg613449.5386405105 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 289634.1844537689 kg289634.1844537689 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4625470.848625852 kg4625470.848625852 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 233689.3669709125 kg233689.3669709125 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 172887.5159339404 kg172887.5159339404 kg
Product flow Materials production / Plastics 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Materials production / Agricultural production means 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Other waste 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Other waste 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Production residues 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Waste flow Wastes / Production residues 0.0 kg0.0 kg