关键数据集信息 | |
位置 | CN |
地域代表性说明 | Process-based data from China were used, yet if not available, data from Europe were applied instead. |
参考年 | 2020 |
名字 |
数据集使用建议 | 使用此聚丙烯(PP)生产数据集的用户需要考虑,数据主要来源于中国,当中国数据无法获取时,会使用欧洲的过程数据。在电力输入计算中正确应用此数据集至关重要,需要遵守中国国家电网结构。环境影响评估应使用ReCiPe方法(欧洲H/H),以确保与聚丙烯产量1公斤作为功能单元的数据一致性。当将这些数据迁移到其他地区,或在评估具有不同电网结构的场景时,应特别注意电力混合和技术适用性。 |
产品或过程的技术目的 | 聚丙烯(PP)生产是工业过程,其特点是通过前期原油精炼得到乙烯和丙烯,然后分别聚合成PE和PP。聚丙烯广泛应用于包装、纺织品、汽车部件和消费品等多种用途,得益于其多功能性、耐用性及可回收性。 |
分类 |
关于数据集的一般性意见 | 通过前期原油精炼得到乙烯和丙烯,然后分别聚合成PE和PP。 |
版权 | 不 |
数据集的所有者 | |
参考定量 | |
参考流 |
功能单元 | considering 1 kg resin production as the functional unit. |
时间代表性 | |
时间代表性描述 | Process-based data from China were used, yet if not available, data from Europe were applied instead. The electricity input was developed based on the national grid structure in China (Table S3), which was obtained from the share of the electric power structure in 2020 (National Bureau Statistics of China, 2020). |
技术代表性 | |
流程图或图片 |
生命周期清单方法和分配 | |||||
数据集的类型 | Unit process, black box | ||||
偏离生命周期清单方法原理/解释 | 无 | ||||
与建模常数/解释的偏差 | 无 | ||||
数据来源、处理和代表性 | |||||
偏离数据截止和完整性原则/解释 | 无 | ||||
数据选择和组合原则 | Process-based data from China were used, yet if not available, data from Europe were applied instead. The electricity input was developed based on the national grid structure in China (Table S3), which was obtained from the share of the electric power structure in 2020 (National Bureau Statistics of China, 2020). | ||||
偏离数据选择和组合原则/解释 | 无 | ||||
数据处理和外推原则 | ReCiPe method (Europe H/H) was used as the assessment method for consistency. | ||||
偏离数据处理和外推原则/解释 | 无 | ||||
用于此数据集的数据源 | |||||
完整性 | |||||
产品模型的完整性 | No statement | ||||
验证 | |||||
数据生成 | |
数据集生成/建模 | |
数据输入方式 | |
时间戳(上次保存) | 2024-04-19T20:03:05+08:00 |
出版和所有权 | |
UUID | 90cdb77a-9999-4bf5-bcb5-3923f8a46274 |
最后修订日期 | 2024-04-20T14:47:29.329404+08:00 |
数据集版本 | 00.01.005 |
永久数据集 URI | https://lcadata.tiangong.world/showProcess.xhtml?uuid=90cdb77a-9999-4bf5-bcb5-3923f8a46274&version=01.00.000&stock=TianGong |
数据集的所有者 | |
版权 | 不 |
许可证类型 | Free of charge for all users and uses |
流类型 | 分类 | 流 | 位置 | 平均量 | 计算量 | 最小量 | 最大量 | ||
Product flow | Materials production / Organic chemicals | 1.05 kg | 1.05 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Product flow | Materials production / Organic chemicals | 1.64 kg | 1.64 kg | ||||||
Product flow | Materials production / Water | 0.00234 kg | 0.00234 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Product flow | Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity | 4.0 MJ | 4.0 MJ |
流类型 | 分类 | 流 | 位置 | 平均量 | 计算量 | 最小量 | 最大量 | ||
Product flow | Materials production / Plastics | 1.0 kg | 1.0 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 1.21 kg | 1.21 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Product flow | Materials production / Inorganic chemicals | 0.037 kg | 0.037 kg | ||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 0.0121 kg | 0.0121 kg | ||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified | 1.4000000000000001E-4 kg | 1.4000000000000001E-4 kg | ||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground | 1.5E-7 kg | 1.5E-7 kg | ||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 4.599999999999999E-6 kg | 4.599999999999999E-6 kg | ||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere | 0.0015 kg | 0.0015 kg | ||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified | 0.0058 kg | 0.0058 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Waste flow | Wastes | 5.53 kg | 5.53 kg | ||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 0.0025 kg | 0.0025 kg | ||||||
Product flow | Emissions / Non-metallic or -semimetallic ions | 0.00277 kg | 0.00277 kg |