关键数据集信息 | |
位置 | CN |
地域代表性说明 | 中国联合水泥公司 |
名字 |
数据集使用建议 | 在使用本水泥生产工艺的生命周期评估(LCA)数据时,应注意以下方法学考量:该数据代表中国联合水泥公司平均年度运营过程,可能不适用于所有水泥生产设施或地理位置。确保系统边界(包括原材料和能源生产、运输和废弃物管理过程)与所进行的LCA研究的范围一致。此外,该过程假定使用NSP技术和工业固体废弃物替代粘土和石膏,这应在准确的环境影响评估中考虑。 |
产品或过程的技术目的 | 该水泥生产工艺整合了6-20%的替代成分,专门设计用于生产28天抗压强度为32.5 MPa的普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC)。此OPC适用于包括建筑物、道路、桥梁和其他结构在内的一般建筑活动,其中适度强度的混凝土就足以满足要求。采用新型悬浮预热器(NSP)技术及工业固废作为传统原料的替代物,反映了水泥行业在环保制造实践中的应用。 |
分类 |
关于数据集的一般性意见 | 普通水泥的第三天抗压强度大于10 MPa,第28天抗压强度为32.5 MPa。使用含有二氧化硅和烟气脱硫石膏的工业固体废物代替黏土和石膏进行水泥生产。新型悬浮预热器(New suspension preheater,NSP)是中国水泥工业中主要的水泥生产工艺。该工艺包括三个主要的生产过程:煤粉和生料制备过程,包括原材料的输送、研磨、均化和存储以及煤的研磨和存储;在燃烧过程中,混合磨碎的生料被输入到预热器中,然后经过煅烧器分解,60%的煤在950℃下燃烧。在煅烧器中,石灰石分解率约为95%,在窑中分解率为5%。分解后的物料落入窑中,在超过1400℃的温度下与40%的煤燃烧成熟料。在成品处理过程中,当熟料、矿物添加剂和石膏在磨煤机中细细粉碎时,水泥就被生产出来了。生料在预热器中通过再生的热空气悬浮并加热。 |
版权 | 不 |
数据集的所有者 | |
参考定量 | |
参考流 |
技术代表性 | |
技术说明,包括后台系统 | The main stream of cement production – new suspension preheater (NSP) – is applied in the Chinese cement industry. There are three primary production processes: The pulverized coal and raw material preparation process, including the transfer, grinding, homogenization, and storage of raw materials, and the grinding and storage of coal. In the incineration process, the ground and mixed raw materials are inputted into the preheater and then the calciner and decomposed with 60% coal at 950 ◦C. The limestone decomposes to about 95% in the calciner and 5% in the kiln. The decomposed materials fall into the kiln and are incinerated to clinker with 40% coal at a temperature of over 1400 ◦C. In the finishing process, the cement is produced when the clinker, mineral additions, and gypsum are granulated finely by a grinding mill. The raw materials are suspended and heated by recycled hot air in the preheater (Hasanbeigi et al., 2010). |
流程图或图片 | |
数学模型 | |
建模说明 | 使用32.5 MPa强度等级的1吨水泥作为功能单位(FU)。系统边界涉及原材料和能源生产、道路运输、原材料破碎、熟料生产、水泥磨和包装、废热能回收、直接排放、现场烟气处理和水泥厂中固体废物再利用。 |
生命周期清单方法和分配 | |||||
数据集的类型 | LCI result | ||||
偏离生命周期清单方法原理/解释 | 无 | ||||
与建模常数/解释的偏差 | 无 | ||||
数据来源、处理和代表性 | |||||
偏离数据截止和完整性原则/解释 | 无 | ||||
数据选择和组合原则 | 水泥生产的操作过程(如原材料和能源消耗、运输距离、能量回收、直接排放、废弃物处理、资本成本)的年度平均数据是从中国联合水泥公司的调查中获得的。 | ||||
偏离数据选择和组合原则/解释 | 无 | ||||
偏离数据处理和外推原则/解释 | 无 | ||||
用于此数据集的数据源 | |||||
采样程序 | 中国联合水泥有限公司,占中国水泥市场的9.45%。根据《2014年中国水泥年鉴》的数据,采用新型悬浮预热器技术的5000t/d和2500t/d水泥生产线数量分别占中国所有水泥生产线的56.1%和28.3%。规模为5000t/d和2500t/d的生产线可能具有相对准确性,反映了中国水泥生产的主要特点。参数:数值;水泥生产线规模:5000t/d×1,2500t/d×2;水泥生产技术:新型悬浮预热器;发电回收效率:30%;除尘技术:干法袋式除尘;除尘效率:99.95%;脱硝技术:选择性非催化还原法;脱硝效率:50.00%。 | ||||
完整性 | |||||
产品模型的完整性 | No statement | ||||
验证 | |||||
数据生成 | |
数据集生成/建模 | |
数据输入方式 | |
时间戳(上次保存) | 2024-03-19T21:18:09+08:00 |
出版和所有权 | |
UUID | bdf19030-02e2-453c-bbd6-1918edbb0225 |
最后修订日期 | 2024-04-20T14:41:52.430326+08:00 |
数据集版本 | 00.01.005 |
永久数据集 URI | https://lcadata.tiangong.world/showProcess.xhtml?uuid=bdf19030-02e2-453c-bbd6-1918edbb0225&version=01.00.000&stock=TianGong |
数据集的所有者 | |
版权 | 不 |
许可证类型 | Free of charge for all users and uses |
流类型 | 分类 | 流 | 位置 | 平均量 | 计算量 | 最小量 | 最大量 | ||
Product flow | Materials production / Other mineralic materials | 811.32 kg | 811.32 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Waste flow | Wastes | 272.51 kg | 272.51 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Product flow | Materials production / Other mineralic materials | 44.35 kg | 44.35 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Product flow | Wastes / Mining waste | 36.06 kg | 36.06 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable material resources from ground | 26.63 kg | 26.63 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Waste flow | Wastes / Post consumer waste | 58.01 kg | 58.01 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable material resources from ground | 7.78 kg | 7.78 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Waste flow | Wastes | 3.26 kg | 3.26 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Waste flow | Wastes | 2.7 kg | 2.7 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Waste flow | Wastes / Radioactive waste | 4.24 kg | 4.24 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Product flow | Materials production / Other mineralic materials | 0.57 kg | 0.57 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Resources / Resources from water / Renewable material resources from water | 290.0 m3 | 290.0 m3 | ||||||
| |||||||||
Product flow | Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity | 200.91600000000003 MJ | 200.91600000000003 MJ | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable energy resources from ground | 72.74 MJ | 72.74 MJ | ||||||
| |||||||||
Product flow | Transport services / Other transport | 268.03 t*km | 268.03 t*km | ||||||
流类型 | 分类 | 流 | 位置 | 平均量 | 计算量 | 最小量 | 最大量 | ||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 440.61 kg | 440.61 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 0.075 kg | 0.075 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 0.15 kg | 0.15 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 0.094 kg | 0.094 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 0.00186 kg | 0.00186 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 0.00586 kg | 0.00586 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified | 7.801E-5 kg | 7.801E-5 kg | ||||||
| |||||||||
Elementary flow | Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water | 0.023 m3 | 0.023 m3 | ||||||
| |||||||||
Product flow | Materials production / Other mineralic materials | 1000.0 kg | 1000.0 kg | ||||||