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过程 数据集: 水泥生产;水泥, 普通硅酸盐水泥;混合固废 (zh) en zh

位置 CN
参考年 2004
水泥生产;水泥, 普通硅酸盐水泥;混合固废
数据集使用建议 在使用此数据集进行生命周期评价 (LCA) 时,请确保系统边界定义与评估范围一致。比较不同水泥产品的影响时,必须应用 'P·O水泥' 至 '熟料' 的1:0.75功能单位转换比率。数据使用者应考虑区域实践,其中P·O水泥的掺合料含量不得超过20%,石膏含量不得超过5%。还应根据所提供的特定时间段(2004-2007年和2010年)以及地理环境(中国京津冀经济区)来验证输入和输出数据的适用性。
产品或过程的技术目的 该数据集代表了应用新型悬浮式预热器 (NSP) 技术的普通硅酸盐水泥生产过程。所描述的水泥主要用于建筑和基础设施项目,如建筑物、道路、桥梁和大坝。该过程涉及原材料准备、带有预热和分解阶段的窑炉焚烧,以及最终的水泥磨粉。根据中国标准,所生产的水泥对掺合料和石膏的含量有特定的限制。
类名 : 层次结构级别
  • ILCD: Unit processes / Materials production / Other mineralic materials
关于数据集的一般性意见 在烧成或焚烧过程中,原始物料从进料口进入预热器,然后在950°C下与燃烧的煤炭分解。接下来,这些分解物料落入窑炉,在超过1400°C的高温下烧成成为新的中间产物——熟料。这就是新型悬浮式预热器技术。2012年,中国有80%以上的水泥厂应用新型悬浮式预热器技术(中国水泥协会,2013)。在最后的整理过程中,通过在水泥磨中将熟料、掺合料和石膏细磨制成水泥。
技术说明,包括后台系统 In the burning or incineration process, the raw meal is fed from feed inlet to the preheater, and then falls into the calciner to decompose with coal combustion at 950 C. Afterward, this decomposed materials fall into the kiln to be incinerated to form a new intermediate product–clinker over 1400 C. This is NSP (New Suspended Preheater) technology. In 2012, there are more than 80% cement plants in China applying NSP technology (CCA, 2013). In the final finishing process, cement is produced by granulating clinker, admixture and gypsum finely in cement grinding mill.
  • MDuEbxEQKoMkPbxN0mxcAyaJnbe.png Image
建模说明 “1 t P·O水泥”和“1 t熟料(cl)”同时被用作功能单位。根据中国水泥协会(China Cement Association(CCA),2013)的数据,P·O(普通硅酸盐)水泥占总水泥销售额的50%以上。在中国,P·O水泥的掺合料含量不得超过20%,石膏含量不得超过5%。因此,“P·O水泥”的功能单位可以按1:0.75的比例转化为“熟料”。系统边界包括水泥厂范围内的水泥生产过程,包括准备过程、焚烧过程和精加工过程。准备过程包括原材料和煤炭的运输,从堆场到磨机的转运,磨碎,均化和存储在筒仓中。
数据集的类型 LCI result
采样程序 输入和输出数据是从2004年到2007年在18个水泥厂的30条生产线和2010年中国京津冀经济区最大的水泥生产公司北京建材集团现场测量的。
产品模型的完整性 No statement
Dependent internal review
时间戳(上次保存) 2024-03-19T21:18:09+08:00
UUID fadccb12-8eff-48f6-994c-d719f766aa32
最后修订日期 2024-04-20T14:40:23.221573+08:00
数据集版本 00.01.005
永久数据集 URI https://lcadata.tiangong.world/showProcess.xhtml?uuid=fadccb12-8eff-48f6-994c-d719f766aa32&version=01.00.000&stock=TianGong
许可证类型 Free of charge for all users and uses


流类型 分类 位置 平均量 计算量 最小量 最大量
Elementary flow
Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable material resources from ground 1150.0 kg1150.0 kg
一般性评论 Limestone;<=5km, belt conveyors
Product flow
Materials production / Other mineralic materials 40.0 kg40.0 kg
一般性评论 Sandstone;<=40km, heavy-duty trucks
Product flow
Wastes / Mining waste 7.5 kg7.5 kg
一般性评论 Ferrous tailings;<=40km, heavy-duty trucks
Elementary flow
Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable material resources from ground 50.0 kg50.0 kg
一般性评论 Gypsum;<=60km, heavy-duty trucks
Waste flow
Wastes / Production residues 177.5 kg177.5 kg 0.2 0.155
一般性评论 Slag, Flyash (Flyash and Furnace Slag); <= 50km, heavy-duty trucks. The range of data (0.155-0.200) is given in the literature, here the mean value is filled in and the maximum and minimum values are recorded with uncertainty. Since the data distribution is not given in the literature, the default is uniform distribution.
Product flow
Energy carriers and technologies / Hard coal based fuels 96.0 kg96.0 kg
一般性评论 Coal or Thermal energy;<=350 km, railways. The original data provided is 0.096 t ce or 2,814 MJ. The “ce” unit represents energy generated by burning one metric ton of coal, equivalent to the energy obtained from burning 5.2 barrels (700 kg) of oil or 890 cubic meters of natural gas, that is, 29,308 kJ.
Elementary flow
Resources / Resources from water / Renewable material resources from water 0.165 m30.165 m3
一般性评论 Fresh water. Pumped from wells. Water recycled rate 95-99%. Usually in China, every cement production line has about more than four wells in the cement plant to pump up fresh water only for cooling the machines with few pollutants. After sterilization there are even no pollutants in the waste water to be monitored. In this paper, the consumption of ground water is only considered which could be measured by flow meters. The recycled rate of fresh water in cement production can be high up to more than 95-99%. At an average level in a whole year the total fresh water demand is about 93.7 m3/h, or 0.165 m3/t P. O cement.


流类型 分类 位置 平均量 计算量 最小量 最大量
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 605.0 kg605.0 kg
一般性评论 CO2. It is noticed that only the direct CO2 emissions in the boundary of cement plant would be discussed in this paper. It is assumed that at high temperature and after long burning time, the CaCO3 and MgCO3 in the limestone should decompose completely in this paper. The amount of CO2 emissions can be concluded with the chemical composition analysis of clinker by X-ray diffraction (XRD) method in the laboratory of cement plant itself. The mass percentage of CaO and MgO to clinker is 63.55% and 3.00%. With the molecular weights of CO2, CaO and MgO, the amount of CO2 emissions from raw materials incineration is calculated to be 0.5323 tCO2/t cl. The calculation is as follows. (44/56 x 63.55% + 44/40 x 3.00%)x1 = 0.5323 tCO2=tcl. The mass percentage of carbon to coal is 51.36% with the chemical composition analysis in the cement laboratory. The consumptions of coal are 0.146 t/t cl. With the molecular weights of CO2 and C, the amounts of CO2 emissions due to coal combustion are calculated to be 0.2749 t/t cl. The calculation is as follows. 44/12 x 51.36% x 0.146 = 0.2749 tCO2/tcl. Then, the total CO2 emissions are added to be 0.807 t/t cl or 0.605 t/t P. O cement in the whole cement manufacturing.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.0745 kg0.0745 kg 0.113 0.036
一般性评论 SO2. The primary source of SO2 emissions is the chemical reactions of the sulfur content of raw materials and coal in the cement kiln. Cui and Li designed an on-line monitoring system which can measure pollution such as the SO2 emissions and to control the cement manufacturing safely with environmental benefit and energy is saving.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.165 kg1.165 kg 1.65 0.68
一般性评论 NOx. In this paper NOx is defined the total concentration of NO and NO2 and is presented by NO2 according to international standards. The high temperature and oxidizing atmosphere required for cement manufacturing in the incineration process are favorable for NOx formation. In the calciner and kiln, NOx emissions are formed by fuel combustion.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.095 kg0.095 kg
一般性评论 PM. In this paper, the PM emissions in cement production are from six processes as follows. I, the process of uploading, smashing, transferring, and stroraging of raw materials. II, the process of uploading, gringding, transferring, and stroraging of coal. III, the process of gringding of raw meal. IV, the process of incinerating, cooling, smashing, transferring, and stroraging of clinker. V, the process of drying and grinding of admixtures and gypsum. VI, the gringding, transferring, and stroraging of cement. In this study, there are 189 spots equipped to capture the PM including Electro-static Precipitators (ESP) and bag filters in cement plant. The concentration of PM emissions are measured by monitors equipped besides the outlets of dedust machines. The results in operation condition must be transferred to be standard condition with standard temperature and pressure. The type of particles is not given, so here we use >PM10 to represent.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.32E-6 kg3.32E-6 kg
一般性评论 Dioxin (PCDD/FS), where the original unit of DIOXIN is written as NG I-Teq/M3. No specific substance is given. Here we use 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin to represent dioxins.
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.053E-4 kg2.053E-4 kg
一般性评论 HCl
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.047E-4 kg3.047E-4 kg
一般性评论 NMVOC
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2.294E-4 kg2.294E-4 kg
一般性评论 F(fluoride)
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.751E-5 kg1.751E-5 kg 27.4 7.62
一般性评论 As. Heavy metal particles
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.855E-6 kg2.855E-6 kg 4.57 1.14
一般性评论 Cd. Heavy metal particles
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 8.78E-6 kg8.78E-6 kg 16.04 1.52
一般性评论 Cr. Heavy metal particles
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 7.41E-7 kg7.41E-7 kg 0.91 0.572
一般性评论 Hg. Heavy metal particles
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.712E-5 kg1.712E-5 kg 25.1 9.14
一般性评论 Ni. Heavy metal particles
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.0E-6 kg4.0E-6 kg 6.86 1.14
一般性评论 Pb. Heavy metal particles
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 7.775E-6 kg7.775E-6 kg 13.95 1.6
一般性评论 Zn. Heavy metal particles
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.33E-6 kg1.33E-6 kg 1.52 1.14
一般性评论 Cu. Heavy metal particles
Product flow
Materials production / Other mineralic materials 1000.0 kg1000.0 kg
一般性评论 P. O cement