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Product Flow Data set: Soy Sauce (en)
Data set information
Name Soy Sauce
Synonyms Soya Sauce; Shoyu,酱油
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD 1.1: Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials
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General comment Soy sauce is a brown, salty liquid condiment made by fermenting soybeans or breaking them down with acid. It is a liquid condiment of Chinese origin, traditionally made from a fermented paste of soybeans, roasted grain, brine, and Aspergillus oryzae or Aspergillus sojae molds. It is recognized for its pronounced umami taste. The base recipe usually contains wheat, salt, and water, along with an acid or fermenting agent such as mold or yeast.
Quantitative reference
Reference Flow Property
LCI method
Type of flow Product flow
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2024-01-03T16:03:40.841098+08:00
Data set format(s)
Publication and ownership
UUID 405855e4-6e87-4e81-942e-b9315f925c72
Data set version 01.00.000
Flow Property Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % Data derivation type / status General comment
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %