TianGong Life Cycle Data Network
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Product Flow Data set: Lime (en)
Data set information
Name Lime
Synonyms Calcium hydroxide; Hydrated lime; Slaked lime; Calcium oxide; Quicklime; Burnt lime
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD 1.1: Materials production / Glass and ceramics
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CAS Number For Quicklime: 1305-78-8, For Hydrated Lime: 1305-62-0
Sum Formula For Quicklime: CaO, For Hydrated Lime: Ca(OH)2
General comment The product flow description for lime details the material's processing level as highly processed. Technical aspects include the treatment of quicklime or hydrated lime, compliance with relevant quality standards, intended use in various industries such as construction or water treatment, production typically through the calcination of limestone (CaCO3), and originating educt name of limestone. Additionally, it is specified that the product can be part of both production and consumption mixes, with its availability defined by the location such as 'to consumer' or 'at plant'.
Quantitative reference
Reference Flow Property
LCI method
Type of flow Product flow
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2024-04-16T19:00:23.032365+08:00
Data set format(s)
Publication and ownership
UUID a00b7e35-1bc7-4b73-9df8-05f3dd07ffdb
Data set version 00.01.005
Flow Property Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % Data derivation type / status General comment
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %