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Process Data set: Ammonium paratungstate production ; Ammonium Paratungstate ; Tungsten concentrate ; Alkali pressure cooking + extraction method ; All sizes; NESPS2 (en) en zh

Key Data Set Information
Location CN
Reference year 2019
Ammonium paratungstate production ; Ammonium Paratungstate ; Tungsten concentrate ; Alkali pressure cooking + extraction method ; All sizes; NESPS2
Use advice for data set This dataset is derived from the Pollution Source Census Report and contains information on pollution emissions and related products. However, it does not include data on energy or chemical consumption, nor does it provide information on waste or co-product generation. When utilizing this dataset, please supplement the missing data based on actual conditions before use
Technical purpose of product or process 通过碱压煮加萃取法从钨精矿生产的仲钨酸铵(APT)是生产钨金属及化合物的关键中间体。APT广泛应用于电子、航空航天及汽车行业的钨材料合成。在生产过程中,采用管末治理技术来处理污染,如废水、化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮、有机结合氮、镉、铅、砷以及废气。
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Reference Parameters / Materials production / Inorganic chemicals
General comment on data set the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Exhaust gasis/
Copyright No
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Exhaust gasis/
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, single operation
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations None
Data source(s) used for this data set
Completeness of product model No statement
Type of review
Dependent internal review
Reviewer name and institution
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Publication and ownership
UUID 0ac77d82-5e6a-499a-a7b6-8fa9e5ed3bbb
Date of last revision 2024-04-15T22:03:22.287753+08:00
Data set version 00.01.005
Permanent data set URI
Owner of data set
Copyright No
License type Free of charge for all users and uses



Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 4.14E-4 kg4.14E-4 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution cadmiumisChemical coagulation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management88
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 5.175E-4 kg5.175E-4 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution cadmiumisChemical precipitation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management85
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 1000.0 kg1000.0 kg
General comment nan
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.001075 kg0.001075 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution arsenicisChemical coagulation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management90
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.001208 kg0.001208 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution leadisChemical coagulation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management92
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.0012900000000000001 kg0.0012900000000000001 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution arsenicisChemical precipitation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management88
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.00151 kg0.00151 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution leadisChemical precipitation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management90
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.0022425 kg0.0022425 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution cadmiumisPrecipitation separation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management35
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.0069875 kg0.0069875 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution arsenicisPrecipitation separation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management35
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.009814999999999999 kg0.009814999999999999 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution leadisPrecipitation separation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management35
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 10.791 kg10.791 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution ammoniaisCondensation + two-stage absorption,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management95
20500.0 20500.0
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Waste wateris/
0.172359 0.172359
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Ammonia NitrogenisSteam stripping,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management90
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.197993 kg0.197993 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Nitrogen, organic boundisSteam stripping,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management90
0.2068308 0.2068308
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Ammonia NitrogenisOthers (add ammonia nitrogen remover),Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management88
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.23759160000000001 kg0.23759160000000001 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Nitrogen, organic boundisOthers (add ammonia nitrogen remover),Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management88
0.344718 0.344718
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Ammonia NitrogenisStripping,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management80
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.395986 kg0.395986 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Nitrogen, organic boundisStripping,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management80
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.886 kg0.886 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution chemical oxygen demandisOthers (add COD remover),Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management80
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.329 kg1.329 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution chemical oxygen demandisChemical coagulation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management70
1.378872 1.378872
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Ammonia NitrogenisChemical coagulation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management20
1.551231 1.551231
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Ammonia NitrogenisPrecipitation separation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management10
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.583944 kg1.583944 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Nitrogen, organic boundisChemical coagulation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management20
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 1.7819369999999999 kg1.7819369999999999 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Nitrogen, organic boundisPrecipitation separation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management10
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.658 kg2.658 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution chemical oxygen demandisChemical precipitation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management40
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 3.101 kg3.101 kg
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution chemical oxygen demandisPrecipitation separation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management30
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 23720.0 m323720.0 m3
General comment the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Exhaust gasis/