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Process Data set: Battery| CEEIO | 2018 (en) en zh

Key Data Set Information
Location CN
Geographical representativeness description China
Reference year 2018
Battery| CEEIO | 2018
Use advice for data set When working with the 2018 China Environmental Expanded Input-Output (CEEIO) dataset, users need to be aware of several key unit adjustments and data ranges. The unit of economic value has been changed from "10,000 RMB" to "1 RMB", and in line with the ILCD's need for standardized units, values have been normalized to the unit of "EUR" based on the exchange rate of RMB:EUR = 7.5:1, while the unit of mass has been changed from "tons" to "EUR", and the unit of mass has been changed from "tons" to "EUR". EUR" according to the standardized unit requirement of ILCD, and the unit of mass is adjusted from "ton" to "kilogram". The dataset covers 28 out of 44 environmental pressure types, so it is important to be aware of which environmental categories are included and possible omissions when using the dataset. In order to better understand and apply the data, it is recommended that users carefully read the data source documents accompanying the dataset to understand their methodology and assumptions. In addition, it is recommended that the data be integrated in a systematic way into broader environmental analyses or decision-making processes to ensure accuracy and consistency of analysis.
Technical purpose of product or process CEEIO电池数据集旨在用于中国经济活动环境影响评估和政策分析。该数据集可供研究人员、环境科学家、政策制定者和制造商使用,以理解和量化与中国1人民币价值的电池生产相关的环境压力,包括淡水消耗、大气和水污染物排放以及固体废物产生。这些信息对于设计可持续的电池生产实践、进行生命周期评估以及支持环境政策和法规的发展至关重要。该数据库特别适用于希望减少环境足迹并与国家可持续发展目标保持一致的中国电池行业利益相关者。
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: CEEIO / 2018 Chinese Environmentally Extended Input-Output (CEEIO) Database
General comment on data set CEEIO is the result of near decade-long research of using environmentally extended input-output models studying China's environmental issues led by Prof. Ming Xu at the Tsinghua University in collaboration with Prof. Sai Liang at Guangdong University of Technology and Prof. Xi Tian at Nanchang University.CEEIO consists of benchmark economic input-output tables published by the Chinese government statistics agency and environmental satellite accounts compiled from multiple sources. Technical details such as data sources, compilation methods, and assumptions are available as Technical Notes included in the downloadable files.The development of CEEIO was partially supported by the Kenneth G. Lieberthal and Richard H. Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the Tsinghua University.
Copyright No
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Functional Unit output 10000 CNY of Battery
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system the datasets consider four broad categories, 44 types of environmental pressures generated by domestic sectors and households in China based on the available data: (1) freshwater consumption; (2) 23 types of atmospheric pollutants including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen oxides (NOx), dust and soot, sulfur dioxide (SO2), hazardous trace elements (HTEs, including Hg, As, Se, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Sb, Mn, Co, Cu, and Zn), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 mm or less (PM2.5), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 mm or less (PM10), carbon monoxide (CO), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), ammonia (NH3); (3) 13 types of water pollutants including chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen compounds, phosphorus, petroleum pollutants, volatile phenols, cyanide, aquatic Hg, aquatic Cd, aquatic Cr, aquatic Pb, aquatic As, aquatic Cu, and aquatic Zn; and (4) 7 types of solid waste including industrial solid waste, plastic film, crop straws, animal manure, sludge, medical waste, and household waste. The 2018 CEEIO database covers 28 types of environmental pressures among these 44 based on the available data: (1) the fuel combustion from sectors, (2) the output of industrial products, (3) the yield of crop, (4) the amount of livestock and poultry, (5) the freshwater consumption for agriculture, industry, and domestic use, and (6) the usage amount of plastic film.
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set LCI result
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data selection and combination principles Emissions Data Coverage:The 2018 China Environmentally Extended Input-Output (CEEIO) database includes emissions from combustion of 26 fuel types and emissions from various industrial processes for 19 air pollutants such as CO2, CH4, and NOx. Industrial Processes Inclusion:Emissions from the production of a wide range of products including crude petroleum, vegetable oil, paper, and several chemicals are accounted for. Historical Emissions Adjustment:For pollutants with last available data from 2015, estimations for 17764 are made by applying sector-specific price indices and adjusting with comprehensive emissions data from authoritative national sources.
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles Emissions Calculation Approach: The discharge of air pollutants is determined by combining emission factors for fuel combustion and industrial processing, with data derived from international and national environmental agencies and studies. Particulate Matter Accounting: The capture of PM2.5 and PM10 is considered, integrating removal rates from both fuel combustion and industrial processing into the assessment. Solid Waste and Emissions Estimation Approach:Predictions for sludge and medical waste are formulated by correlating the output of relevant services with their waste intensities, complemented by demographic data for household waste projections. Agricultural Waste Calculations:The quantification of waste from plastic film, crop straw, and livestock manure involves applying usage rates and waste generation metrics to agricultural yield and livestock numbers. Sector Classification Harmonization:Transformations of sector classifications ensure data compatibility across different standards, with binary matrices illustrating the relationship between the sectors in the current and previous databases. Unit:Currency unit was adjusted from "10,000 RMB" to "1 RMB".Weight unit was changed from "ton" to "kg".
Data source(s) used for this data set
Completeness of product model No statement
Type of review
Dependent internal review
Reviewer name and institution
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2021-08-31T00:00:00+08:00
Publication and ownership
UUID 11386a64-490f-40c9-a7f8-2f4e51325fbd
Date of last revision 2024-06-12T14:24:48.668006+08:00
Data set version 00.01.005
Copyright No
License type Free of charge for all users and uses


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3183543.2213273766 EUR3183543.2213273766 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 14.86418646313868 EUR14.86418646313868 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 488736.0792860941 EUR488736.0792860941 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.828027261714916E8 EUR5.828027261714916E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 77.11020444292171 EUR77.11020444292171 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.6231662645206723E8 EUR1.6231662645206723E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1421399031087691E7 EUR1.1421399031087691E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0096119546758078E7 EUR2.0096119546758078E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2851090856899673E7 EUR1.2851090856899673E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5574891.489370581 EUR5574891.489370581 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 97876.85601517653 EUR97876.85601517653 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.718815568052696E7 EUR2.718815568052696E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.698650640010256E8 EUR1.698650640010256E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.4022924458207106E7 EUR1.4022924458207106E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.20341384385364E7 EUR1.20341384385364E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.712946995236951E7 EUR8.712946995236951E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2405936.901255271 EUR2405936.901255271 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.305973765439606E8 EUR8.305973765439606E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1108330007963942E8 EUR1.1108330007963942E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4204128.100254515 EUR4204128.100254515 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1569804442305977E7 EUR1.1569804442305977E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.007230286427804E7 EUR5.007230286427804E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.39760016572136E9 EUR7.39760016572136E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.5234551785653027E7 EUR1.5234551785653027E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.6484936439305546E9 EUR1.6484936439305546E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0160857486989048E9 EUR1.0160857486989048E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1229086.5532700797 EUR1229086.5532700797 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0245702975357118E8 EUR1.0245702975357118E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.391913401795489E7 EUR6.391913401795489E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.479154809823729E8 EUR1.479154809823729E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.7095349905270586E9 EUR2.7095349905270586E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 495448.1843051424 EUR495448.1843051424 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 466615.46041116904 EUR466615.46041116904 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.410176523373704E8 EUR1.410176523373704E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.37396450667122E8 EUR6.37396450667122E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0660005592421558E7 EUR2.0660005592421558E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.777668135184493E7 EUR3.777668135184493E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.04314525503948E9 EUR5.04314525503948E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.815519012465496E8 EUR2.815519012465496E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0065087288773221E8 EUR1.0065087288773221E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1543624968356398E10 EUR1.1543624968356398E10 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.30716039106014E9 EUR5.30716039106014E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1781556938816247E9 EUR1.1781556938816247E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 28623.97282454704 EUR28623.97282454704 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.135844927658304E7 EUR2.135844927658304E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 310287.734505768 EUR310287.734505768 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.5909834039582614E7 EUR1.5909834039582614E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.556391600709714E8 EUR3.556391600709714E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5951177.504451065 EUR5951177.504451065 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.786443170155232E8 EUR6.786443170155232E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.9595149588119335E7 EUR4.9595149588119335E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4137.948742161034 EUR4137.948742161034 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.0627463754798466E8 EUR5.0627463754798466E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.270499716532258E8 EUR7.270499716532258E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8423126.108176364 EUR8423126.108176364 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4105326.5208006185 EUR4105326.5208006185 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.845458193366354E8 EUR4.845458193366354E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.229968756714303E8 EUR3.229968756714303E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.244084367789716E10 EUR1.244084367789716E10 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 358615.7043378617 EUR358615.7043378617 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.363562802972979E7 EUR3.363562802972979E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7932954.8709507985 EUR7932954.8709507985 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7956369.742721763 EUR7956369.742721763 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 25902.454913954694 EUR25902.454913954694 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 51988.985949415925 EUR51988.985949415925 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.263018495928861E9 EUR4.263018495928861E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.259188542426403E8 EUR2.259188542426403E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9585513.088061105 EUR9585513.088061105 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.680596092429749E7 EUR3.680596092429749E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.72132220193976E7 EUR3.72132220193976E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.7568706470589385E9 EUR1.7568706470589385E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.029950408809029E7 EUR4.029950408809029E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.6884751534667544E7 EUR6.6884751534667544E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9304423.800946442 EUR9304423.800946442 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.8633926656233296E9 EUR2.8633926656233296E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.4379896294663787E9 EUR1.4379896294663787E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.471320080865253E7 EUR5.471320080865253E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.5257889985908735E8 EUR1.5257889985908735E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.5759893979278294E7 EUR1.5759893979278294E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0833742365923173E9 EUR1.0833742365923173E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2427760.5049617374 EUR2427760.5049617374 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0898028900137296E8 EUR1.0898028900137296E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.3748509704381704E7 EUR4.3748509704381704E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.1742091591337554E7 EUR6.1742091591337554E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2323414.817611677 EUR2323414.817611677 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.806167915741918E8 EUR4.806167915741918E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.8405133820486757E8 EUR1.8405133820486757E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0061803157170346E8 EUR2.0061803157170346E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.224358637255047E7 EUR6.224358637255047E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.5795866484547976E8 EUR1.5795866484547976E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.899634694968866E7 EUR3.899634694968866E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 207811.66037239745 EUR207811.66037239745 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.1622100977634355E7 EUR4.1622100977634355E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.3593640577429295E8 EUR4.3593640577429295E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.227963850500745E8 EUR5.227963850500745E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1978513473459948E7 EUR1.1978513473459948E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.7924320597403005E7 EUR3.7924320597403005E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.945163255250393E7 EUR7.945163255250393E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0204832179447617E8 EUR1.0204832179447617E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2260881598560004E9 EUR1.2260881598560004E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7281406.402836927 EUR7281406.402836927 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.937152056147813E8 EUR5.937152056147813E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9071578.958643304 EUR9071578.958643304 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2103961.547260405 EUR2103961.547260405 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.956174031461537E8 EUR3.956174031461537E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4704275.3969483655 EUR4704275.3969483655 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.1146624752149306E7 EUR2.1146624752149306E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2159671.6298539517 EUR2159671.6298539517 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.48002908202561E7 EUR7.48002908202561E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6111544.609157295 EUR6111544.609157295 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9781234.790595965 EUR9781234.790595965 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4335481.172662377 EUR4335481.172662377 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4577460.098359241 EUR4577460.098359241 EUR


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.921975368708511E10 EUR8.921975368708511E10 EUR
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4.9125934949759275E8 kg4.9125934949759275E8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 22508.102832153192 kg22508.102832153192 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4110.214739018807 kg4110.214739018807 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1593795.130850561 kg1593795.130850561 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 5.836244220643928 kg5.836244220643928 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 32.6177414222551 kg32.6177414222551 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 31.99393275446194 kg31.99393275446194 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 170.2037439344663 kg170.2037439344663 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.325696217428287 kg3.325696217428287 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 146.0600456522761 kg146.0600456522761 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 52.74520400962054 kg52.74520400962054 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 7.990853190637073 kg7.990853190637073 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 166.546471648898 kg166.546471648898 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 20.21461002352435 kg20.21461002352435 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 74.56707667971263 kg74.56707667971263 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 154.4106657533388 kg154.4106657533388 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 22851.80601154078 kg22851.80601154078 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 33177.52487406843 kg33177.52487406843 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 511419.7939103145 kg511419.7939103145 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 24396.53078980809 kg24396.53078980809 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 14071.55774854391 kg14071.55774854391 kg
Product flow Materials production / Plastics 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Materials production / Agricultural production means 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Other waste 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Other waste 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Production residues 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Waste flow Wastes / Production residues 0.0 kg0.0 kg