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Process Data set: Boiler, engines and turbine| CEEIO | 2018 (en) en zh

Key Data Set Information
Location CN
Geographical representativeness description China
Reference year 2018
Boiler, engines and turbine| CEEIO | 2018
Use advice for data set When working with the 2018 China Environmental Expanded Input-Output (CEEIO) dataset, users need to be aware of several key unit adjustments and data ranges. The unit of economic value has been changed from "10,000 RMB" to "1 RMB", and in line with the ILCD's need for standardized units, values have been normalized to the unit of "EUR" based on the exchange rate of RMB:EUR = 7.5:1, while the unit of mass has been changed from "tons" to "EUR", and the unit of mass has been changed from "tons" to "EUR". EUR" according to the standardized unit requirement of ILCD, and the unit of mass is adjusted from "ton" to "kilogram". The dataset covers 28 out of 44 environmental pressure types, so it is important to be aware of which environmental categories are included and possible omissions when using the dataset. In order to better understand and apply the data, it is recommended that users carefully read the data source documents accompanying the dataset to understand their methodology and assumptions. In addition, it is recommended that the data be integrated in a systematic way into broader environmental analyses or decision-making processes to ensure accuracy and consistency of analysis.
Technical purpose of product or process 来自中国环境扩展投入产出(CEEIO)模型的数据集表示与中国锅炉、发动机和涡轮机生产相关的环境压力。这些工业产品通常用于发电、制造和交通等多个部门。锅炉涉及热能的产生,用于工业过程和加热系统。发动机是车辆、机械设备和发电机的关键组件,而涡轮机通常用于电厂发电。此数据支持对这些项目生产的环境影响评估,对于旨在评估和减少这些工业产品环境足迹的企业和研究人员至关重要。
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: CEEIO / 2018 Chinese Environmentally Extended Input-Output (CEEIO) Database
General comment on data set CEEIO is the result of near decade-long research of using environmentally extended input-output models studying China's environmental issues led by Prof. Ming Xu at the Tsinghua University in collaboration with Prof. Sai Liang at Guangdong University of Technology and Prof. Xi Tian at Nanchang University.CEEIO consists of benchmark economic input-output tables published by the Chinese government statistics agency and environmental satellite accounts compiled from multiple sources. Technical details such as data sources, compilation methods, and assumptions are available as Technical Notes included in the downloadable files.The development of CEEIO was partially supported by the Kenneth G. Lieberthal and Richard H. Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the Tsinghua University.
Copyright No
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Functional Unit output 10000 CNY of Boiler, engines and turbine
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system the datasets consider four broad categories, 44 types of environmental pressures generated by domestic sectors and households in China based on the available data: (1) freshwater consumption; (2) 23 types of atmospheric pollutants including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen oxides (NOx), dust and soot, sulfur dioxide (SO2), hazardous trace elements (HTEs, including Hg, As, Se, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Sb, Mn, Co, Cu, and Zn), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 mm or less (PM2.5), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 mm or less (PM10), carbon monoxide (CO), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), ammonia (NH3); (3) 13 types of water pollutants including chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen compounds, phosphorus, petroleum pollutants, volatile phenols, cyanide, aquatic Hg, aquatic Cd, aquatic Cr, aquatic Pb, aquatic As, aquatic Cu, and aquatic Zn; and (4) 7 types of solid waste including industrial solid waste, plastic film, crop straws, animal manure, sludge, medical waste, and household waste. The 2018 CEEIO database covers 28 types of environmental pressures among these 44 based on the available data: (1) the fuel combustion from sectors, (2) the output of industrial products, (3) the yield of crop, (4) the amount of livestock and poultry, (5) the freshwater consumption for agriculture, industry, and domestic use, and (6) the usage amount of plastic film.
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set LCI result
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data selection and combination principles Emissions Data Coverage:The 2018 China Environmentally Extended Input-Output (CEEIO) database includes emissions from combustion of 26 fuel types and emissions from various industrial processes for 19 air pollutants such as CO2, CH4, and NOx. Industrial Processes Inclusion:Emissions from the production of a wide range of products including crude petroleum, vegetable oil, paper, and several chemicals are accounted for. Historical Emissions Adjustment:For pollutants with last available data from 2015, estimations for 14144 are made by applying sector-specific price indices and adjusting with comprehensive emissions data from authoritative national sources.
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles Emissions Calculation Approach: The discharge of air pollutants is determined by combining emission factors for fuel combustion and industrial processing, with data derived from international and national environmental agencies and studies. Particulate Matter Accounting: The capture of PM2.5 and PM10 is considered, integrating removal rates from both fuel combustion and industrial processing into the assessment. Solid Waste and Emissions Estimation Approach:Predictions for sludge and medical waste are formulated by correlating the output of relevant services with their waste intensities, complemented by demographic data for household waste projections. Agricultural Waste Calculations:The quantification of waste from plastic film, crop straw, and livestock manure involves applying usage rates and waste generation metrics to agricultural yield and livestock numbers. Sector Classification Harmonization:Transformations of sector classifications ensure data compatibility across different standards, with binary matrices illustrating the relationship between the sectors in the current and previous databases. Unit:Currency unit was adjusted from "10,000 RMB" to "1 RMB".Weight unit was changed from "ton" to "kg".
Data source(s) used for this data set
Completeness of product model No statement
Type of review
Dependent internal review
Reviewer name and institution
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2021-08-31T00:00:00+08:00
Publication and ownership
UUID 3d38c303-947b-4c84-b10b-9516996bbb7b
Date of last revision 2024-06-12T14:18:04.121051+08:00
Data set version 00.01.005
Copyright No
License type Free of charge for all users and uses


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1231421.2774444164 EUR1231421.2774444164 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.118767441540749E7 EUR5.118767441540749E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.4674948247805706E8 EUR1.4674948247805706E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7693462.369509189 EUR7693462.369509189 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.001360997962758E7 EUR5.001360997962758E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.947577121682632E7 EUR1.947577121682632E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.609659779919167E7 EUR2.609659779919167E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.147054048140551E8 EUR4.147054048140551E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.2821426131189875E7 EUR4.2821426131189875E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 343144.79710682854 EUR343144.79710682854 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6004609.846750523 EUR6004609.846750523 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 62018.35527245979 EUR62018.35527245979 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9913044.559958968 EUR9913044.559958968 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.9738611068363386E8 EUR1.9738611068363386E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 169416.35518395025 EUR169416.35518395025 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1299828.125454948 EUR1299828.125454948 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.897111229294499E7 EUR3.897111229294499E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 104396.06467047641 EUR104396.06467047641 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.903112672842988E7 EUR7.903112672842988E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 348588.8687371482 EUR348588.8687371482 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4261375.877554356 EUR4261375.877554356 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6577103.1918452475 EUR6577103.1918452475 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.1363152623517612E8 EUR2.1363152623517612E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.5829503544487372E7 EUR2.5829503544487372E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.1386812201197186E8 EUR2.1386812201197186E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2647631653252597E8 EUR1.2647631653252597E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.820352057120325E7 EUR7.820352057120325E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1122704.2918167242 EUR1122704.2918167242 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 42054.257572913666 EUR42054.257572913666 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.909968228297512E7 EUR6.909968228297512E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.6485986645289642E8 EUR1.6485986645289642E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5571757.631131821 EUR5571757.631131821 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 356231.6568519 EUR356231.6568519 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1289646.0014263184 EUR1289646.0014263184 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.581731866047088E8 EUR5.581731866047088E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 999833.6087184421 EUR999833.6087184421 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.008116300992192E7 EUR5.008116300992192E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.241444915873528E7 EUR8.241444915873528E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.6979875467387944E8 EUR2.6979875467387944E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.604174036981321E9 EUR4.604174036981321E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.714879957316467E8 EUR5.714879957316467E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.051314674317281E8 EUR8.051314674317281E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.6660189433839536E9 EUR3.6660189433839536E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.9597345579665904E9 EUR2.9597345579665904E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2799665033738953E10 EUR1.2799665033738953E10 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.806613006087958E8 EUR8.806613006087958E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7258705.343746694 EUR7258705.343746694 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.9065045337763453E9 EUR2.9065045337763453E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.3092900879597104E9 EUR1.3092900879597104E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1843020.0502690559 EUR1843020.0502690559 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.930647361173784E9 EUR2.930647361173784E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 246150.100751856 EUR246150.100751856 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.8782378024638467E7 EUR1.8782378024638467E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.341768287437516E8 EUR3.341768287437516E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 106710.80912376076 EUR106710.80912376076 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1564724.2276832 EUR1564724.2276832 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.3800578623784332E9 EUR1.3800578623784332E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.3389560014206484E8 EUR2.3389560014206484E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.707088018786077E7 EUR5.707088018786077E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0988477198203918E8 EUR2.0988477198203918E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.910609395280817E8 EUR2.910609395280817E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4779440.295490914 EUR4779440.295490914 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5220067.269440777 EUR5220067.269440777 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 26867.804896267502 EUR26867.804896267502 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 83992.2595057745 EUR83992.2595057745 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4985.073516971011 EUR4985.073516971011 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.979184090376968E8 EUR6.979184090376968E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2540126277267428E7 EUR1.2540126277267428E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.927314019164604E8 EUR2.927314019164604E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.5568020494723147E7 EUR1.5568020494723147E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9.8410209593928E7 EUR9.8410209593928E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.019419323990784E8 EUR7.019419323990784E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1265266097317534E7 EUR1.1265266097317534E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.3143994744149256E7 EUR3.3143994744149256E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.9132582123713076E7 EUR2.9132582123713076E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.1710403173470454E9 EUR2.1710403173470454E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.696281308178704E8 EUR5.696281308178704E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.190912760090957E7 EUR6.190912760090957E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.3067221034760796E7 EUR5.3067221034760796E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.3417086903802745E7 EUR2.3417086903802745E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9.332466476460954E8 EUR9.332466476460954E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1210409.8110247056 EUR1210409.8110247056 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.331965695925467E7 EUR7.331965695925467E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.227251937057419E7 EUR7.227251937057419E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.2142795613196306E7 EUR5.2142795613196306E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.494544851159664E7 EUR1.494544851159664E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.408689318968832E8 EUR5.408689318968832E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0133612833479223E8 EUR1.0133612833479223E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.7485488201454067E8 EUR1.7485488201454067E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.853774127494864E8 EUR1.853774127494864E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.913820144284551E8 EUR2.913820144284551E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.7149083706800476E7 EUR4.7149083706800476E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 385960.43436908495 EUR385960.43436908495 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.032378867639172E7 EUR5.032378867639172E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.969733162093139E7 EUR7.969733162093139E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9.40243289914959E8 EUR9.40243289914959E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0733768356661517E7 EUR1.0733768356661517E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.903073807779393E7 EUR3.903073807779393E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.5216418111218214E7 EUR3.5216418111218214E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.127758568377934E7 EUR4.127758568377934E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.446863845594584E9 EUR1.446863845594584E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.989473484250555E7 EUR1.989473484250555E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.494180245283581E8 EUR5.494180245283581E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5367420.135647003 EUR5367420.135647003 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8099359.448801882 EUR8099359.448801882 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4005180.7870661737 EUR4005180.7870661737 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.484050643865252E8 EUR3.484050643865252E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.682191665754416E7 EUR1.682191665754416E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.4945724447883692E8 EUR2.4945724447883692E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8550362.728906078 EUR8550362.728906078 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1855899633450523E8 EUR1.1855899633450523E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4690945.780859264 EUR4690945.780859264 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0477876238986176E7 EUR2.0477876238986176E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8699838.805142844 EUR8699838.805142844 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.5422599902637945E7 EUR1.5422599902637945E7 EUR


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.527675301000855E10 EUR6.527675301000855E10 EUR
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.777952791292032E9 kg1.777952791292032E9 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 130368.1067139162 kg130368.1067139162 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 20181.30129316745 kg20181.30129316745 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4956757.942367865 kg4956757.942367865 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 16.691165534092 kg16.691165534092 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 107.4095540229869 kg107.4095540229869 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 106.0477383180613 kg106.0477383180613 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 566.9153006643351 kg566.9153006643351 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 10.57440529511788 kg10.57440529511788 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 486.804185737168 kg486.804185737168 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 107.5045358602394 kg107.5045358602394 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 26.68263267672884 kg26.68263267672884 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 553.6608103793628 kg553.6608103793628 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 64.41727490884455 kg64.41727490884455 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 245.4292427749839 kg245.4292427749839 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 498.5590697983741 kg498.5590697983741 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1065520.0325749011 kg1065520.0325749011 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 188976.7746998717 kg188976.7746998717 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3830638.176908154 kg3830638.176908154 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 88934.59122862938 kg88934.59122862938 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 49013.83339590986 kg49013.83339590986 kg
Product flow Materials production / Plastics 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Materials production / Agricultural production means 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Other waste 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Other waste 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Production residues 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Waste flow Wastes / Production residues 0.0 kg0.0 kg