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Process Data set: Audio-visual equipment| CEEIO | 2018 (en) en zh

Key Data Set Information
Location CN
Geographical representativeness description China
Reference year 2018
Audio-visual equipment| CEEIO | 2018
Use advice for data set When working with the 2018 China Environmental Expanded Input-Output (CEEIO) dataset, users need to be aware of several key unit adjustments and data ranges. The unit of economic value has been changed from "10,000 RMB" to "1 RMB", and in line with the ILCD's need for standardized units, values have been normalized to the unit of "EUR" based on the exchange rate of RMB:EUR = 7.5:1, while the unit of mass has been changed from "tons" to "EUR", and the unit of mass has been changed from "tons" to "EUR". EUR" according to the standardized unit requirement of ILCD, and the unit of mass is adjusted from "ton" to "kilogram". The dataset covers 28 out of 44 environmental pressure types, so it is important to be aware of which environmental categories are included and possible omissions when using the dataset. In order to better understand and apply the data, it is recommended that users carefully read the data source documents accompanying the dataset to understand their methodology and assumptions. In addition, it is recommended that the data be integrated in a systematic way into broader environmental analyses or decision-making processes to ensure accuracy and consistency of analysis.
Technical purpose of product or process CEEIO数据库以2018年为基准年,为在中国生产的每1人民币单位的视听设备提供全面的环境影响评估。 这些LCA数据对视听设备制造行业的各方利益相关者至关重要,包括政策制定者、环境学家和企业。 它使他们能够了解与这类设备生产相关的环境负担,并制定减轻这些影响的策略。 数据库旨在为可持续材料选择、生产过程优化和环境政策制定提供信息。 此外,它还可以用来帮助设计生态标签计划,或在该行业内的不同产品或公司之间进行环境绩效比较。
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: CEEIO / 2018 Chinese Environmentally Extended Input-Output (CEEIO) Database
General comment on data set CEEIO is the result of near decade-long research of using environmentally extended input-output models studying China's environmental issues led by Prof. Ming Xu at the Tsinghua University in collaboration with Prof. Sai Liang at Guangdong University of Technology and Prof. Xi Tian at Nanchang University.CEEIO consists of benchmark economic input-output tables published by the Chinese government statistics agency and environmental satellite accounts compiled from multiple sources. Technical details such as data sources, compilation methods, and assumptions are available as Technical Notes included in the downloadable files.The development of CEEIO was partially supported by the Kenneth G. Lieberthal and Richard H. Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the Tsinghua University.
Copyright No
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Functional Unit output 10000 CNY of Audio-visual equipment
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system the datasets consider four broad categories, 44 types of environmental pressures generated by domestic sectors and households in China based on the available data: (1) freshwater consumption; (2) 23 types of atmospheric pollutants including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen oxides (NOx), dust and soot, sulfur dioxide (SO2), hazardous trace elements (HTEs, including Hg, As, Se, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Sb, Mn, Co, Cu, and Zn), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 mm or less (PM2.5), particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 mm or less (PM10), carbon monoxide (CO), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), ammonia (NH3); (3) 13 types of water pollutants including chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen compounds, phosphorus, petroleum pollutants, volatile phenols, cyanide, aquatic Hg, aquatic Cd, aquatic Cr, aquatic Pb, aquatic As, aquatic Cu, and aquatic Zn; and (4) 7 types of solid waste including industrial solid waste, plastic film, crop straws, animal manure, sludge, medical waste, and household waste. The 2018 CEEIO database covers 28 types of environmental pressures among these 44 based on the available data: (1) the fuel combustion from sectors, (2) the output of industrial products, (3) the yield of crop, (4) the amount of livestock and poultry, (5) the freshwater consumption for agriculture, industry, and domestic use, and (6) the usage amount of plastic film.
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set LCI result
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Data selection and combination principles Emissions Data Coverage:The 2018 China Environmentally Extended Input-Output (CEEIO) database includes emissions from combustion of 26 fuel types and emissions from various industrial processes for 19 air pollutants such as CO2, CH4, and NOx. Industrial Processes Inclusion:Emissions from the production of a wide range of products including crude petroleum, vegetable oil, paper, and several chemicals are accounted for. Historical Emissions Adjustment:For pollutants with last available data from 2015, estimations for 18850 are made by applying sector-specific price indices and adjusting with comprehensive emissions data from authoritative national sources.
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles Emissions Calculation Approach: The discharge of air pollutants is determined by combining emission factors for fuel combustion and industrial processing, with data derived from international and national environmental agencies and studies. Particulate Matter Accounting: The capture of PM2.5 and PM10 is considered, integrating removal rates from both fuel combustion and industrial processing into the assessment. Solid Waste and Emissions Estimation Approach:Predictions for sludge and medical waste are formulated by correlating the output of relevant services with their waste intensities, complemented by demographic data for household waste projections. Agricultural Waste Calculations:The quantification of waste from plastic film, crop straw, and livestock manure involves applying usage rates and waste generation metrics to agricultural yield and livestock numbers. Sector Classification Harmonization:Transformations of sector classifications ensure data compatibility across different standards, with binary matrices illustrating the relationship between the sectors in the current and previous databases. Unit:Currency unit was adjusted from "10,000 RMB" to "1 RMB".Weight unit was changed from "ton" to "kg".
Data source(s) used for this data set
Completeness of product model No statement
Type of review
Dependent internal review
Reviewer name and institution
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2021-08-31T00:00:00+08:00
Publication and ownership
UUID 43fac32c-d4c3-4ea7-acf1-e94e1bf2952d
Date of last revision 2024-06-12T14:26:48.581777+08:00
Data set version 00.01.005
Copyright No
License type Free of charge for all users and uses


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2243749.540115675 EUR2243749.540115675 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3109037.1852902947 EUR3109037.1852902947 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.6112575147581786E7 EUR1.6112575147581786E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.2082306513734317E8 EUR5.2082306513734317E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.284190483844133E7 EUR2.284190483844133E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.209775886053283E7 EUR1.209775886053283E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6220.126366319436 EUR6220.126366319436 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.305031301940723E7 EUR4.305031301940723E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.299196364882253E7 EUR4.299196364882253E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1593937.1042949052 EUR1593937.1042949052 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 258941.1753971224 EUR258941.1753971224 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.510935621608396E8 EUR1.510935621608396E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2200881360111292E7 EUR1.2200881360111292E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.7768818584798443E8 EUR2.7768818584798443E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.7195667635110718E8 EUR1.7195667635110718E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2279676.633503088 EUR2279676.633503088 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.2257709866085686E7 EUR6.2257709866085686E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.382636265686096E7 EUR3.382636265686096E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3269824.233793623 EUR3269824.233793623 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2633859626035953E7 EUR1.2633859626035953E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.063210840713226E8 EUR3.063210840713226E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.196267428625606E8 EUR1.196267428625606E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 75224.5359227821 EUR75224.5359227821 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1395147.2259946144 EUR1395147.2259946144 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.326326138647529E7 EUR6.326326138647529E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.269443650007816E9 EUR2.269443650007816E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 571157.2615806332 EUR571157.2615806332 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 96469.77584379417 EUR96469.77584379417 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.505651197090452E8 EUR7.505651197090452E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3165.725878305105 EUR3165.725878305105 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.157719223105876E7 EUR2.157719223105876E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1950155.4821590653 EUR1950155.4821590653 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.8188068284058252E8 EUR1.8188068284058252E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6976252.3159287665 EUR6976252.3159287665 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.65056217169848E8 EUR1.65056217169848E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.809983920511149E8 EUR8.809983920511149E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.1268871566593283E8 EUR4.1268871566593283E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 46636.22114642376 EUR46636.22114642376 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 141004.64126661306 EUR141004.64126661306 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5083357.437593774 EUR5083357.437593774 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0689580790431628E8 EUR2.0689580790431628E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.870145292636445E7 EUR8.870145292636445E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.2572458994305187E8 EUR2.2572458994305187E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.9854475439893836E8 EUR1.9854475439893836E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.059677362075068E7 EUR4.059677362075068E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.0961088721002483E8 EUR5.0961088721002483E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1728640.5576200492 EUR1728640.5576200492 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7961356.434514432 EUR7961356.434514432 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.4487918500020279E7 EUR1.4487918500020279E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.645335760269238E8 EUR8.645335760269238E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.365429645866256E8 EUR2.365429645866256E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.746473298311692E8 EUR5.746473298311692E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.3630950765734076E7 EUR2.3630950765734076E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.961042229526904E7 EUR8.961042229526904E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.395083282046459E8 EUR3.395083282046459E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 8.052361421273481E8 EUR8.052361421273481E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.0946843461093265E8 EUR4.0946843461093265E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5.611235255675818E9 EUR5.611235255675818E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.3330795788339012E10 EUR3.3330795788339012E10 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0358535973867949E9 EUR1.0358535973867949E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.488587594147291E8 EUR2.488587594147291E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.1406421563914336E7 EUR6.1406421563914336E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.2296302149592772E7 EUR3.2296302149592772E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.7753082244606215E8 EUR1.7753082244606215E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.442115297854584E7 EUR1.442115297854584E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9905166.283386724 EUR9905166.283386724 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7610139.658908507 EUR7610139.658908507 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.6624322630185266E9 EUR2.6624322630185266E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.4002097500176468E9 EUR1.4002097500176468E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.798754236786051E7 EUR3.798754236786051E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.18303857957992E7 EUR6.18303857957992E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.4963103819264106E7 EUR1.4963103819264106E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 4.8679409073734176E8 EUR4.8679409073734176E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 28480.513689453346 EUR28480.513689453346 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.107112124356419E7 EUR7.107112124356419E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.713651217531948E7 EUR6.713651217531948E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0676469970184329E8 EUR1.0676469970184329E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1569583.736459736 EUR1569583.736459736 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.67381039695366E8 EUR2.67381039695366E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.035266281730758E7 EUR7.035266281730758E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.911944605814666E7 EUR7.911944605814666E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.0283679114676263E7 EUR3.0283679114676263E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0862769564496875E8 EUR1.0862769564496875E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.309661039684005E7 EUR3.309661039684005E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 286597.4078994691 EUR286597.4078994691 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.532511549689395E7 EUR3.532511549689395E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.63566157241871E8 EUR3.63566157241871E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.2758161270817144E9 EUR1.2758161270817144E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.1913394441936854E7 EUR1.1913394441936854E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0485843146373626E7 EUR2.0485843146373626E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.9902646496800736E7 EUR2.9902646496800736E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.356135375454235E7 EUR6.356135375454235E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1.0035536430939041E9 EUR1.0035536430939041E9 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3502354.7705079513 EUR3502354.7705079513 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 6.03288311385496E8 EUR6.03288311385496E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7307983.263390351 EUR7307983.263390351 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 5305817.482081715 EUR5305817.482081715 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1745550.9212646482 EUR1745550.9212646482 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.4327715848682973E8 EUR2.4327715848682973E8 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2950813.3716726424 EUR2950813.3716726424 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 9220190.172055151 EUR9220190.172055151 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 253356.3900027208 EUR253356.3900027208 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3.425769207694292E7 EUR3.425769207694292E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 3441209.549254119 EUR3441209.549254119 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 0.0 EUR0.0 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.0201763529199667E7 EUR2.0201763529199667E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 2.5782388544425614E7 EUR2.5782388544425614E7 EUR
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 1564918.8650401025 EUR1564918.8650401025 EUR


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Other Services / Sale and whole sale 7.11193897034146E10 EUR7.11193897034146E10 EUR
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.81417952369464E8 kg3.81417952369464E8 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 14872.104677342451 kg14872.104677342451 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2619.827820757731 kg2619.827820757731 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1007511.634665212 kg1007511.634665212 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.0640703118838037 kg3.0640703118838037 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 18.792171610233122 kg18.792171610233122 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 18.5370910239403 kg18.5370910239403 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 99.03542054016668 kg99.03542054016668 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 1.856263075413874 kg1.856263075413874 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 85.02709508953559 kg85.02709508953559 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 21.39045760488345 kg21.39045760488345 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 4.65913510747191 kg4.65913510747191 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 96.71810234615367 kg96.71810234615367 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 11.25945502785517 kg11.25945502785517 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 42.96168558285138 kg42.96168558285138 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 87.1863683610806 kg87.1863683610806 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 9674.09150276243 kg9674.09150276243 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 17072.9508117324 kg17072.9508117324 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 323530.55693635583 kg323530.55693635583 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 25547.510526315873 kg25547.510526315873 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 21390.022135572148 kg21390.022135572148 kg
Product flow Materials production / Plastics 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Materials production / Agricultural production means 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Other waste 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Other waste 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Product flow Wastes / Production residues 0.0 kg0.0 kg
Waste flow Wastes / Production residues 0.0 kg0.0 kg