Key Data Set Information
Geographical representativeness description
Southern China and Bayan Obo
Reference year
Rare earth flotation;dysprosium;Bastnaesite/Monazite (B/M);Rare Earth Elements (REE) containing ore
Use advice for data set
| Users of this LCA data should consider the allocation method used in the study when applying the data to their own assessments. The allocation, based on the mass of produced REEs combined with their market prices, should be carefully applied to ensure accurate environmental impact evaluations. Users should also pay attention to site-specific data such as ore composition, technological applicability, and region-specific ecological impacts. It is advised to reassess the allocation factor individually for each site to maintain the robustness of comparative analyses. |
Technical purpose of product or process
| The dysprosium acquired through the rare earth flotation process from REE-containing ore is primarily used in the manufacturing of permanent magnets, which are essential components for modern electronic devices, such as electric motors in hybrid vehicles, wind turbines, and hard disk drives. Additionally, dysprosium's unique properties make it suitable for use in nuclear reactors and laser materials. |
Class name
Hierarchy level
| The dysprosium acquired through the rare earth flotation process from REE-containing ore is primarily used in the manufacturing of permanent magnets, which are essential components for modern electronic devices, such as electric motors in hybrid vehicles, wind turbines, and hard disk drives. Additionally, dysprosium's unique properties make it suitable for use in nuclear reactors and laser materials. |
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
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Functional Unit
The goal of this investigation is to compare environmental impacts related to the production of 1 kg Dy (functional unit) from IAC (Southern China), from B/M ore (Bayan Obo), and from an eudialyte deposit (Norra Kärr) using the LCA method
Time representativeness
Data set valid until
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system
| The goal of this investigation is to compare environmental impacts related to the production of 1 kg Dy (functional unit) from IAC (Southern China), from B/M ore (Bayan Obo), and from an eudialyte deposit (Norra Kärr) using the LCA method |
Flow diagram(s) or picture(s)
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