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Process Data set: Copper production ; Total of all wind farm (en) en zh

Key Data Set Information
Location SH-CN
Geographical representativeness description The studied wind farm, the Donghai Bridge Offshore Wind Farm (DBOWF), is China's first offshore wind farm within the jurisdiction of Shanghai, as well as the first offshore wind farm outside Europe. The project has two-phases of construction, located on each side of the Donghai bridge (Fig. 1).
Reference year 2009
Copper production ; Total of all wind farm
Use advice for data set When using this data set for life cycle assessment (LCA), it is crucial to account for the methodological approach mentioned—PLCA modeling. This involves considering all stages from material manufacturing to dismantling and recycling. Attention should be given to the specificities of the offshore wind farm setting, such as the unique energy requirements for sea transportation and facility installation. Additionally, data quality must be assessed, taking into account the uncertainties reported in the sensitivity analysis, especially when extrapolating findings to other offshore wind farm projects or geographic contexts. It is also important to consider the functional unit of 1 kWh of on-grid electricity provision when interpreting the data.
Technical purpose of product or process The data set describes the life cycle of copper production and the total process of a wind farm, specifically the Donghai Bridge Offshore Wind Farm (DBOWF) in China. It is applicable for the assessment of the environmental impact of offshore wind farms, which involves the manufacturing of materials and equipment, their transportation and installation, as well as the operation and maintenance of the facility. This data may be used to inform strategies for sustainable energy production, particularly in conducting life cycle assessments of wind energy infrastructures.
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Unit processes / Materials production / Metals and semimetals
General comment on data set The data set describes the life cycle of copper production and the total process of a wind farm, specifically the Donghai Bridge Offshore Wind Farm (DBOWF) in China. It is applicable for the assessment of the environmental impact of offshore wind farms, which involves the manufacturing of materials and equipment, their transportation and installation, as well as the operation and maintenance of the facility. This data may be used to inform strategies for sustainable energy production, particularly in conducting life cycle assessments of wind energy infrastructures.
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