Key Data Set Information
Geographical representativeness description
The data of fecal water quantity were obtained from a survey of typical free-range farmers in the surrounding areas of the east Sichuan, north Sichuan and southwest Sichuan basins
Reference year
Pig production ; farmers in Penzhoushan area free-range
Use advice for data set
| When using the LCA data, tailor your analysis tools to track and aggregate inputs such as self-planted crops and by-products, concentrated feed composition, cultivated land area, and livestock output measures like slaughter rate and average carcass weight. Pay special attention to the parameters of manure treatment, storage and field application practices. Ensure any modeling reflects the free-range, extensive farming style and geographical specificity of the Penzhoushan area. Emissions such as NH3 should be estimated based on multiple literature sources. Exclude considerations of pig slaughtering, processing, and transportation from this dataset, as well as minor materials with less environmental significance. |
Technical purpose of product or process
| The pig production data is relevant for assessing the environmental impacts of free-range pig farming in the Penzhoushan area, Sichuan. It applies to traditional free-range practices where pigs are mainly nourished by on-site grown crops and agricultural by-products, and less with concentrated feeds. This data suits investigations into extensive pig breeding systems that are a major part of Sichuan's pig industry, providing transparency in nutrient production, greenhouse gas emissions, and manure management practices. |
Class name
Hierarchy level
| In Sichuan, farmers provide about 79.5% of the commercial pigs, which has an important position in Sichuan pig industry. The main scenario states and parameters were set as follows: (1) the feed was mainly composed of self-planted corn, vegetables and other agricultural by-products, supplemented with a small amount of concentrated feed (soybean meal 70%, rapeseed meal 10%), and the insufficient part was collected as feed supplement. The cultivated land area is assumed to be 0.2067 square hectares per household. (2) The average number of pigs is 3 / household, most of the varieties are soil mixed pigs (local sows and foreign breeding pigs cross, a few are Chinese local breeds) the average slaughter rate is 70%; (3) Extensive feeding and management methods, long feeding period, the average pig feeding day is about 240d, the average weight of the yard is 100kg; (4) Manure treatment and utilization: The anaerobic manure tank is used for storage,80% of which is returned to the field, 48% of which is directly returned to the field in the busy season, and the long-term storage accounts for 32% (irregular return to the field). 20% of the fecal water is leaking in the manure tank or when returning to the field, and the COD of the seepage water is 50mg/L. |
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
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Functional Unit
In this study, the functional unit (FU) was defined as "1kg pig carcass", which included skin, bone and fat. Foreign studies generally only considered lean meat, but in China's consumption mode, skin and viscera were also fully utilized as edible foods. The concept of carcass was adopted in this study. Although the bone included in this study is an inedible part, it can play a certain compensative role because it does not contain internal organs. In addition, the current data can be easily converted into carcass weight, so it is more in line with the actual situation.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system
| Including raw material production, transportation and pig production process, but does not include pig slaughtering, processing and packaging, transportation process. Pig equipment, machinery and construction are not included, and materials less than 5% of the total or of low environmental relevance are excluded. The production, use and emission of drugs are not considered. Fishmeal and amino acid production are not considered |
Flow diagram(s) or picture(s)
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