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Process Data set: Alumina production ; Alumina for metallurgy ; Bayer process ; Bauxite (en) en zh

Key Data Set Information
Location CN
Reference year 2011
Alumina production ; Alumina for metallurgy ; Bayer process ; Bauxite
Use advice for data set Users of this data set should consider the energy and resource consumption, as well as waste emissions, as these factors significantly impact the environmental footprint during the production of aluminum products. The life cycle boundary for this dataset encompasses the process from bauxite mining to primary aluminum production, including bauxite extraction, alumina production, anode production, and the aluminum electrolysis process. Minor auxiliary materials like limestone and asphalt mining, production, and transportation processes are excluded from the assessment system. Hence, users must not include these auxiliary inputs in the environmental impact assessment related to alumina production when applying this data.
Technical purpose of product or process The alumina produced using the Bayer process is primarily utilized for the purpose of metallurgy. This form of alumina is essential in the production of aluminum through the process of electrolysis, employing bauxite as a raw material. Due to its chemical and physical properties, metallurgical alumina is indispensable in creating the anodes for the electrolytic aluminum extraction process.
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Unit processes / Materials production / Inorganic chemicals
General comment on data set 我国氧化铝生产中拜耳法、烧结法、混联法三种工艺并行。因为我国铝土矿主要为品味较低的一水硬铝,单位资源与能源消耗较高。随着生产技术的进步,拜耳法生产的氧化铝在我国铝产量中的比例已经由2000年的11.4%提升到2010年的75.8%,而烧结法则由2000年的23.65%减至5.9%。拜耳法氧化铝生产过程中主要的能源介质为蒸汽、煤气或重油、电及焦炭。其中蒸汽约占60%,煤气或重油约占20%,电约占10%。
Copyright No
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Time representativeness
Time representativeness description Dissertation Completion Date
Technological representativeness
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, single operation
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations None
Deviation from modelling constants / explanations None
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations None
Data source(s) used for this data set
Completeness of product model No statement
Type of review
Dependent internal review
Reviewer name and institution
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2024-01-10T09:17:58+08:00
Publication and ownership
UUID c475a175-a79e-48ae-98e5-8fe37132709e
Date of last revision 2024-04-20T15:31:09.202844+08:00
Data set version 00.01.005
Permanent data set URI
Owner of data set
Copyright No
License type Free of charge for all users and uses


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity 807.48 MJ807.48 MJ
Elementary flow Resources / Resources from ground / Non-renewable material resources from ground 2200.0 kg2200.0 kg
Product flow Energy carriers and technologies / Crude oil based fuels 44.0 kg44.0 kg
Product flow Energy carriers and technologies / Heat and steam 2250.0 m32250.0 m3
Product flow Energy carriers and technologies / Crude oil based fuels 131.0 kg131.0 kg
Product flow Energy carriers and technologies / Hard coal based fuels 805.5 kg805.5 kg


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 2162.0 kg2162.0 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 3.548 kg3.548 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 24.374 kg24.374 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.683 kg0.683 kg
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 10.568 kg10.568 kg
0.169 0.169
Elementary flow Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.106 kg0.106 kg
Product flow
Emissions / Other substance type 0.227 kg0.227 kg
General comment 粉尘
Product flow
Wastes / Production residues 1302.0 kg1302.0 kg
General comment 固体废物
Product flow Materials production / Metals and semimetals 1000.0 m31000.0 m3