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Process Data set: Large yellow croaker adult culture ; Large yellow croaker adult fish ;Cage culture ;Formulated feed and trash fish feeding (en) en zh

Key Data Set Information
Location ND-FJ-CN
Geographical representativeness description The prefecture-level city of Ningde comprises a group of districts and counties, of which Fuding city (A), Xiapu County (B), Fu’an city (C), and Jiaocheng district (D) are next to the sea and were included in our assessment. A total of 321 households were randomly sampled in the area in August 2017 and January 2018, and we analyzed the data from 292 households that had mariculture production during 2016.
Reference year 2017
Large yellow croaker adult culture ; Large yellow croaker adult fish ;Cage culture ;Formulated feed and trash fish feeding
Use advice for data set When using this data set for life cycle assessment, include considerations for the environmental impact of each part of the supply chain, which is color-coded as energy production (red), feed production (green), aquaculture production (blue), and production of other inputs (purple). Ensure to represent the geographical specificity of the aquaculture production to Ningde, accounting for the local practices and conditions. The data reflect the operations of 292 households in mariculture over 2016 and should be taken into account for period-specific and site-specific assessments. Due to the nature of aquaculture, be aware of the potential need to include impacts of feed supply chains, fish waste management, and the implications of using both formulated feed and live-feed practices.
Technical purpose of product or process The described industrial process is used for the aquaculture of adult large yellow croaker fish specifically bred in marine cage systems. The fish are fed with both formulated feed and fresh trash fish. This process is applicable to the seafood industry, particularly focusing on the cultivation of large yellow croaker for direct human consumption.
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Unit processes / Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials
General comment on data set The system includes energy production (red), feed production (green), the main chain of aquaculture production (blue), and the production of other inputs (purple).
Copyright No
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Functional Unit 1 live-weight ton of large yellow croaker
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2018
Time representativeness description The literature did not specify the sampling time. The researchers conducted household interviews in August 2017 and January 2018 in the coastal areas of Ningde City
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system Large yellow croaker commercial fish cultivation technology, a single cage area of more than 60 m2, net depth of 6 m ~ 10 m, low tide cage bottom from the seabed more than 2 m. The mesh size is 15 mm ~ 50 mm. Fish species are released during neaps. The stocking density of 50 g/ tail fish is 100 tail /m3, and the stocking density is reduced with the increase of fish size, and the stocking density is 20 tail /m3 when the size is 500 g/ tail. The selection of large yellow croaker pellet compound feed should comply with the provisions of GB/T 36206. And fresh food.
Flow diagram(s) or picture(s)
  • XACAbG1Lqoa2blx5Vc3cTuMBnDE.png Image
Mathematical model
Model description In order to account for the variability of the studied system, Monte Carlo simulations were performed in R software (v.3.3.2) to model the correlation between unit process variables in LCA using copula function, which solved the correlation between process variables.Monte Carlo simulations were used in R software, with each cell process represented by a set of input parameters, a correlation matrix of geographical location and growth stages, 2000 iterations were used in the simulation, and the variability of the cell process due to inherent uncertainty, dispersion and unrepresentativeness was considered. Inherent uncertainty is included by assuming a coefficient of variation of 5%, spreads are calculated from primary and secondary data, and a pedigree approach is used to address unrepresentativeness. Dependencies between process chains are included by using dependency sampling in each iteration, as well as dependencies between processes
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, black box
LCI Method Principle Attributional
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations None
Deviations from LCI method approaches / explanations The allocation method used throughout the data analysis process is quality allocation, following the guidelines recommended by the British Standards Institution
Deviation from modelling constants / explanations None
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None
Data selection and combination principles The data comes from the average of actual survey data
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles Literature researchers constructed a life cycle inventory of mariculture production from both survey data and scientific literature. Primary and auxiliary data are collected for the growth stage to simulate other processes such as seed and juvenile production.
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations None
Data source(s) used for this data set
Sampling procedure In Ningde City, Fujian Province, China, 115 large yellow croaker farming households were investigated, of which 84 households were used in the model calculation of this data
Completeness of product model No statement
Type of review
Dependent internal review
Reviewer name and institution
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2024-04-19T19:26:09+08:00
Publication and ownership
UUID d0d68c23-82b8-44ae-9148-09e14247ea18
Date of last revision 2024-04-20T15:04:58.170022+08:00
Data set version 00.01.005
Permanent data set URI
Owner of data set
Copyright No
License type Free of charge for all users and uses


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
Systems / Packaging 2.7 kg2.7 kg
General comment The data comes from the average of 84 households in the actual survey
Product flow
Energy carriers and technologies / Other non-renewable fuels 30.5 kg30.5 kg
General comment The data comes from the average of 84 households in the actual survey
Product flow
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials 3588.4 kg3588.4 kg
General comment The data comes from the average of 84 households in the actual survey
Product flow
Systems / Packaging 428.9 kg428.9 kg
General comment The data comes from the average of 84 households in the actual survey
Product flow
Wastes / Production residues 1.0 kg1.0 kg
General comment The data comes from the average of 84 households in the actual survey


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials 1000.0 kg1000.0 kg
General comment The data comes from the average of 84 households in the actual survey