Use advice for data set This lifecycle dataset is developed by Yike Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and adheres to the CLCD trade-off principle. Users should note the following: (1) Upstream production data for raw materials may be omitted if their weight is less than 1% of the product weight and for materials containing rare/high purity substances if their weight is less than 0.1% of the product weight, with an overall omission of materials not exceeding 5% of the total weight. (2) Upstream production processes for waste or low-value waste materials do not require tracing. (3) Production equipment, plant buildings, and living facilities are generally not considered unless they significantly affect the lifecycle assessment. (4) Known emissions data relevant to selected environmental impact categories should not be omitted. Use this dataset carefully for LCA modeling, incorporating it only after evaluating its relevance and updating it to reflect technology and practices as of the base year, which is 2020. |
Data set use approval |