TianGong Life Cycle Data Network
Data stock: TianGong_V0.2.0 [ Download ]

Process data set overview page

Data set: cement production;cement, common portland cement;moderate new dry process, 2000-4000 t-cl/d (00.01.005)

Full name
cement production;cement, common portland cement;moderate new dry process, 2000-4000 t-cl/d
Reference year
Valid until
Reference flow(s)
Unit process, black box
LCIA results included?
Unit processes / Materials production / Other mineralic materials
Use advice for data set
When using this dataset in Life Cycle Assessment of cement products, it is necessary to account for the specific production technology (medium new dry process) and the scale of operation representing medium-sized cement plants. Users should consider the typical market share and ensure the representative nature of the data when applying it to environmental impact studies. Variations in technology and scale between different companies in China's cement industry should influence the selection and application of this data.
Data set use approval
General comment
The new dry process method holds a market share of 61.82%, and the scale of the clinker production between 2000 and 4000 tons per day accounts for 23.21%. In order to reflect the present environmental impact of China's cement industry, taking into account the adjustment of the industry structure and development status in recent years, and considering the differences in cement production technology and the size of different enterprises, China's cement industry is classified into four categories: large new dry process (>4000 tons of clinker per day), medium new dry process (2000~4000 tons of clinker per day), small new dry process (<2000 tons of clinker per day), and shaft kiln (<2001 tons of clinker per day).
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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Completeness of product model
No statement
  • Dependent internal review by
License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Owner of data set
Tiangong LCI Data Working Group
Technical purpose
The medium new dry process used in this dataset refers to the production of common Portland cement with a daily clinker production rate of 2000 to 4000 tons. This cement is utilized broadly in the construction industry for creating concrete, precast structural elements, and other building materials. The production technique is significant as it represents a balance between output capacity and environmental considerations in China's cement industry, being applicable mainly to medium-scale cement plants.
Input Products
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Data set version
Time stamp (last saved)
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Compliance systems
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