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Data set: Audio-visual equipment| CEEIO | 2018 (00.01.005)

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Audio-visual equipment| CEEIO | 2018
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CEEIO / 2018 Chinese Environmentally Extended Input-Output (CEEIO) Database
Use advice for data set
When working with the 2018 China Environmental Expanded Input-Output (CEEIO) dataset, users need to be aware of several key unit adjustments and data ranges. The unit of economic value has been changed from "10,000 RMB" to "1 RMB", and in line with the ILCD's need for standardized units, values have been normalized to the unit of "EUR" based on the exchange rate of RMB:EUR = 7.5:1, while the unit of mass has been changed from "tons" to "EUR", and the unit of mass has been changed from "tons" to "EUR". EUR" according to the standardized unit requirement of ILCD, and the unit of mass is adjusted from "ton" to "kilogram". The dataset covers 28 out of 44 environmental pressure types, so it is important to be aware of which environmental categories are included and possible omissions when using the dataset. In order to better understand and apply the data, it is recommended that users carefully read the data source documents accompanying the dataset to understand their methodology and assumptions. In addition, it is recommended that the data be integrated in a systematic way into broader environmental analyses or decision-making processes to ensure accuracy and consistency of analysis.
Data set use approval
General comment
CEEIO is the result of near decade-long research of using environmentally extended input-output models studying China's environmental issues led by Prof. Ming Xu at the Tsinghua University in collaboration with Prof. Sai Liang at Guangdong University of Technology and Prof. Xi Tian at Nanchang University.CEEIO consists of benchmark economic input-output tables published by the Chinese government statistics agency and environmental satellite accounts compiled from multiple sources. Technical details such as data sources, compilation methods, and assumptions are available as Technical Notes included in the downloadable files.The development of CEEIO was partially supported by the Kenneth G. Lieberthal and Richard H. Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the Tsinghua University.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Owner of data set
Technical purpose
CEEIO数据库以2018年为基准年,为在中国生产的每1人民币单位的视听设备提供全面的环境影响评估。 这些LCA数据对视听设备制造行业的各方利益相关者至关重要,包括政策制定者、环境学家和企业。 它使他们能够了解与这类设备生产相关的环境负担,并制定减轻这些影响的策略。 数据库旨在为可持续材料选择、生产过程优化和环境政策制定提供信息。 此外,它还可以用来帮助设计生态标签计划,或在该行业内的不同产品或公司之间进行环境绩效比较。
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