TianGong Life Cycle Data Network
Data stock: TianGong_V0.2.0 [ Download ]

Process data set overview page

Data set: clinker production;clinker, portland cement clinker;new dry process, ≥4000 t/d;copper tailings 16% (00.01.005)

Full name
clinker production;clinker, portland cement clinker;new dry process, ≥4000 t/d;copper tailings 16%
Reference year
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Reference flow(s)
Unit process, single operation
LCIA results included?
Unit processes / Materials production / Inorganic chemicals
Use advice for data set
When using this data set for life cycle assessment, special attention should be given to the cut-off criteria based on the ISO140 series of international standards, which focus on material input in relation to product quality. Inclusions and exclusions should adhere to the following specifics: (1) Ignore upstream production data for any ordinary raw material with input weight less than 1% of the total process material inputs or high-purity substances less than 0.1% of the total input weight, provided the total ignored materials do not exceed 5% of the total raw material input. For system environmental emissions data, contributions to LCA outcomes should be calculated prior to deciding on its exclusion. (2) Upstream production data for low-value waste materials used as raw materials, such as tailings, can be disregarded. Users need to ensure that the system boundary of the LCA includes the clinker calcination unit process and apply the data selection principles accordingly.
Data set use approval
General comment
New dry process for cement clinker production. Copper tailings content is 16%. End-of-pipe treatment: Bag filter with 85% efficiency.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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Completeness of product model
No statement
  • Dependent internal review by
License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Owner of data set
Tiangong LCI Data Working Group
Technical purpose
The cement clinker described by this data set is produced using a new dry process with a daily production capacity of more than 4000 tonnes. It incorporates 16% copper tailings as part of its composition. This type of clinker is a key component in the production of Portland cement, which is a fundamental material in the construction industry, used for creating concrete, mortar, stucco, and grout for building, infrastructure, and general construction purposes.
Input Products
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Data set version
Time stamp (last saved)
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Compliance systems
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