TianGong Life Cycle Data Network
Data stock: TianGong_V0.2.0 [ Download ]

Process data set overview page

Data set: Life cycle inventory for average rare earth oxide;Rare Earth Elements (REE);Bayan Obo;Rare Earth Elements (REE) containing ore (00.01.005)

Full name
Life cycle inventory for average rare earth oxide;Rare Earth Elements (REE);Bayan Obo;Rare Earth Elements (REE) containing ore
Reference year
Valid until
Reference flow(s)
Unit process, single operation
LCIA results included?
Unit processes / Materials production / Non-energetic raw materials
Use advice for data set
Users of this lifecycle inventory data set for average rare earth oxide from Bayan Obo should incorporate the data within an attributional modeling framework for assessing environmental impacts, preferably using the CML2002 method (CML 2015) or similar. Users should consider the eleven mid-point impact categories selected to understand the full environmental impact. Additionally, note that this data set is constructed to reflect average conditions and does not account for specific REO production chains or individual methods involved in metal refining. Those seeking detailed insights into particular REO production chains or metal refining should refer to supporting information S1 on the Web, which includes in-depth descriptions of the processes, LCI, and modeling data used.
Data set use approval
General comment
The rare earth oxides (REO) produced from the Bayan Obo mine are utilized for a wide range of applications, including the manufacture of magnets, catalysts, alloys, glass, and ceramics. These oxides are key in the production of high-tech devices such as smartphones, computer hard drives, and electric vehicles due to their unique magnetic, luminescent, and electrochemical properties. Specifically, the 1 kg REO at 100% purity described in the lifecycle inventory is typically used in applications requiring high levels of purity, such as advanced electronics, research, and specialized industrial processes.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
No records found.
Completeness of product model
No statement
  • Dependent internal review by
License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Owner of data set
Tiangong LCI Data Working Group
Technical purpose
The rare earth oxides (REO) produced from the Bayan Obo mine are utilized for a wide range of applications, including the manufacture of magnets, catalysts, alloys, glass, and ceramics. These oxides are key in the production of high-tech devices such as smartphones, computer hard drives, and electric vehicles due to their unique magnetic, luminescent, and electrochemical properties. Specifically, the 1 kg REO at 100% purity described in the lifecycle inventory is typically used in applications requiring high levels of purity, such as advanced electronics, research, and specialized industrial processes.
Input Products
No records found.
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Data set version
Time stamp (last saved)
Data set format
Compliance systems
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